Date night part 2

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We drove for about 15 min and then we stopped outside a big hotel looking house with a big fountain outside.

- wow I said and jumped out of the car, this is really cool!
- Hah, Yeah Ikr! I thought it would be cool to eat here so I reserved a table for two.
- that must have cost a fortune! Right? I asked
- naw, it wasn't that bad.
- you sure?
- of course babe!

Camerons POV
Fuck did I just call her babe smooth Cameron very fucking smooth. Idiot.

Lillys POV
OMG he just called me babe I like where this is going!

- babe? I asked
- Btw you look really great tonight!
- haha thanks! you to! He was wearing a black suit and his hair was as messy as always but a little bit better!

We walked into the restaurant and orderd our dinner

1h later
- that was so good! I said and laid back in my chair
- Yeah i thought so too! Do you want to leave?
- Yeah I think I have to go home thank you so much for this date it couldn't have been better, do you want me to pay for myself?
-no! I'm paying for you!
- ok! Thanks!

He paid and we went back to his car and he drove me home, when we arrived at my house we both stepped out of the car and looked at eachother in the light of the street light.

Julias POV
I walked down the street to Camerons house, we are so going to fuck tonight I thought as I walked past a house that I knew was Lillys neighbours, uhhhhh i hate her so much! Wait what is that. I stopped and walked out of the light that was covering one half of the sidewalk.

Is that Lilly? And CAMERON! He's holding her waist and she is looking so fucking good?! Omfg no this is not happening! I thought I made it pretty clear that if she even looks at him i'm going to....

Lillys POV
-  can I ask something?
- sure? What? I asked
- Is it ok if I kiss you? Cameron asked
- yes, it is I said and leaned forward

His lips touched mine and I opend my mouth to show him that I wanted more, and there I was making out with Cameron Dallas.

He stopped for a second and said
- I Love you Lillith Parker....

I didn't know what to say so I just grabed his neck and pushed him against me again....

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