Bedhead and The Train.

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I woke up as sunlight was shining through my window into my room. I was wrapped in a burrito of sheets and my hair was in my face. I rolled out of bed and walked onto the terrace. It was a beautiful day, but the sun was in my eyes. I squinted and walked inside.

"Legend!" I called out to my pet dragon. Yes, I have a pet dragon. He's the size of a dog unless I'm taking him for a ride or he's in combat. We've never really been in combat, but we're training for it.

Flap. Flap. Flap. I heard the faint sound of his wings growing louder. Soon he was upstairs at the door to my room. He dropped to the floor and looked up at me.

"What do you say we take the train into town, bud? I'm running low on food." He jumped up and flew in circles around me. I laughed and caught him when he stopped flying. "Alright Legend, I'll be downstairs to give you your food in a minute."

I grabbed a pair of jeans, boots and a soft white shirt that said "Daydreamer" on it. I grabbed my purple cape and brushed my hair before putting the hood up. Yes, I like capes. They're very cool.

I found my bow and arrows and headed downstairs to feed Legend. It's the 21at century and I love with a dragon and use a bow and arrow in combat. And capes. Them too.

I also practice magic. I created Legend from magic, and my house too. I just don't use magic to get food because I don't want it to be too..... Fake.

I love the train. Its old and no one uses it except me. The conductor is really nice. He's really one of the only villagers I talk to. All the others are obsessed with this fossil fighting thing. I honestly have no idea what it is. The villagers of Cran (that's the name of the island I live on) live far away from my mansion.

I got on the train and Legend sat down next to me. I tried to gaze out of the window peacefully but the window was open and the wind was blowing my bangs everywhere so I had to keep fixing them. Eventually I just sat awkwardly next to Legend and faced forward.

Eventually, the train stopped and I walked into the market. I bought enough food for the rest of the month along with snacks. I had enough money for it. Magic. Yes it's legal.

After heading home I looked over and saw something in the water moving. Was that a boat? Interesting. Normally people don't come to the island. Maybe we're accepting tourists for the first time. Ugh, that just means more people.

I'm not really a people person, as you've probably noticed. I just prefer being alone, is that such a bad thing? Cran is a fun island, don't get me wrong, but I enjoy spending time by myself. I occasionally go to get food or books or whatever else. I take the train, but you already know that. What I'm trying to say is, don't expect me to become friends with anyone or anything.

I headed back into my house and went into my kitchen and began making lunch for me and Legend. Of course, Legend got his own dragon food. I had a book in my library all about caring for dragons. It was old, but it was still full of information.

I held on to my necklace, which kept Legend alive. It was a black chain necklace with a silver bird feather hanging from it. If the necklace broke, Legend would die. I'm attempting to work on my magic so that I'll no longer need the necklace to keep him alive, but nevermind that.

I went into my library and ate my tunafish sandwich. I read away the hours, trying not to think of anything else. I decided to take Legend for a fly. I went outside and called him. He rushed out as I pulled down the hood on my cape and Legend started to grow. And grow. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand grow. Soon he was 20 times his normal size. We flew around the whole island and it was, as always, amazing.

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