I casually turn into an adult.

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The ride home was short. I wanted to get home and relax before tracking down the guy who tried to kill me. It was peaceful until there was a loud knocking at my door. I was too lazy to check and see who it was, so I used the intercom from my room. "Who is it?" I asked in sort of a whiny tone. Honestly, I didn't think anyone knew where I lived. A voice buzzed back. "It's uhh, it's Dominick." I rolled my eyes. Him again. "I um... have important information about the guy who attacked you."

I thought about just throwing him back to that stupid fossil center, but then I thought, Eh, he could be useful. "Fine. But hurry up. Get in."

I ran downstairs, unlocked my door, and it swung open. "What is it?" I asked, gesturing for him to come inside.

"Uh, you remember that guy who attacked you?" He asked me nervously. I nodded. "Well this guy? He's a professional con-artist. He's a top fugitive of the law and he stole my medals."

Holy crap.

"A what?" I threw my hands up in the air. "So not only is he trying to kill me, but he is also a con-artist. Great, what else is new?"

Dominick looked around my house, not paying attention. "Hey, nice place you got here."

I smirked. "Oh, thanks. I made it myse-" I paused. "We gotta find this guy!" I called for Legend, and he flew down to my side and sat on the ground. "Did you by any chance happen to see him around?"

"Well he's a con artist. He could look like anyone."

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment. "Stay here. I'll be right back." I ran inside my library. I climbed the ladder in search for a book I haven't used in years. The spell book my parents used. I brought it back outside and skimmed the pages. "There is a spell in here that can make you know anyone's true identity and possibly their aliases."

He stared at the book. "That's a thing?" He asked.

I glared at him. "Hon, there's a spell for everything." I kept flipping through the pages until I finally found it. "Aha! Identity spell!" I studied the instructions. It didn't look too hard. I closed the book and hugged it. "Ah, magic. I love you. So what's the game plan?"

"Well, let's see here. You say that by using this spell, we can identify this guy?"

"Yep. Pretty sure that's what I said." 

"Do we need to know this guy's name to use the spell on him? Or does it like, read our minds?"

"Well, I've never used this spell before, so it's better safe than sorry."

Suddenly, a small beep pierced through the air. Was that my phone?

"Hmm?" Dominick held up some meter thing. "I dunno. A message, it looks like." He began to read it aloud. "Attention fighters. This is a reminder to all certified fighters that the 100th anniversary of our beloved institution is today. We will be having a celebration at the stadium later today, from seven to ten. Food and beverages will be provided. Don't miss it!"

"Oh man, I forgot about that. Some stadium, assuming it's yours, is holding the biggest party this year. I would always go with my parents. I stopped going after I was 7 because....well....I just got bored of going every year. Why not this year?"

"They do this every year?" He looked at me.

"Yeah, we like parties on this island." I chuckled.

"You think... This guy we're after might show up?"

"Totally." I said. I began to pace the room. "How can I identify him if he knows what I look like?" I muttered to myself.

He laughed. "Don't you have some cloaking spell in that book of yours?"

I thought for a moment, then my eyes widened. "I think I can camouflage us. It would take a lot of power, but I can do it." I flipped through my book. "There it is. I haven't used that spell since.... since never! We need to make it look like we aren't two kids approaching this guy. How old would you say this guy looked?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I think you're jumping ahead a bit. What exactly are we going to do once we find this guy? It's not like we'll be able to do anything in the middle of a party." 

"That's where the magic comes in. Obviously. You strike a conversation with him with me right next to you, I'll used my magic to find out who he really is. He won't even notice I did anything."

"Ok. How will we identify this guy? He could be anybody."

"Well, most likely, he'll go as his #1 alias, Jeff Grimes. He can't be that hard to find. Now, once again. How old did he look. You got the better look at him."

"I dunno. He looked like he was in his mid twenties? But he could look like anything. So I could easily be wrong about his age."

I flipped through the book. "Hmm.... I think I know what to do. What time is that party?"

"I think it started already. It's like, seven thirty." He looked at his meter.

I started to panic a little. "Oh man. We need to act quick then." I took a deep breath. "I need to do this to myself first." I focused on the spell and soon a golden aura was flickering around me. I grew taller and everything about me changed. My hair went from brown to blonde. My eyes were an emerald green. I was about 5'6 now, not including the 3" silver heels I wore. I had a long red dress. I looked about 19. "This should disguise me for at least tonight." I said,  my new voice was soft and calm. I added a quick "I hate heels." Before I started to transform him.

Dominick just stared at me.
"I'm... Not gonna get used to that." He said slowly.

"Good, cause it's only for the party. Now it's your turn, so you're gonna need to shut up." I snapped my finger at him and the golden aura surrounded him. "This better work." I mumbled.

He started to grow taller. His hair started flying out, reaching down to his chin. On his chin, hair began pushing itself out, forming a beard. He wore a dark suit, complete with a red bow tie. He looked.... nice??

"Heyyy." I said, "It didn't decapitate you. Congrats."

Dominick didn't listen. "Oh!" He felt his beard. "Now, THIS I could get used to."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay beardy. Your new name is gonna be Charles Larken. My name will be Samantha Walker. Remember that."

"What? Why Charles? I think Benjamin Elyot might be better." He broke into laugher.

I gave him the evil eye. "You're real lucky looks can't kill."

"Alright, alright, fine." He held up his hands in surrender.

I looked down at Legend, who looked shocked to see someone new in my place. "Buddy, we're heading out for the night. Get some rest."

He pulled out his meter thing and began typing into it.

"What are you typing?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's nothing." He said. Obviously. It wasn't nothing. "Now, let's get going, shall we, Samantha?"

"Whatever." I said. "Let's  go, Charles."

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