Don't you sass me!

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So this is the somewhat boring chapter where I tell you a little bit about the dandy island of Cran. It is my home incase you haven't already figured it out yet. I'm just going to tell you now so that in the future you don't say something like, "Whaaaat? You never mentioned this place before!"

Anyway, there are a ton of different sections on the island. There is the forest, where I live, the beach, the village, and these random dig sites. I have no idea why it's significant to put dig sights on an island, but what do I know? There's also a beach with a shark infested bay. Veeery family friendly guys. Bring the kiddies.

There's also this rainbow ravine and a volcano. They call the volcano Mt. Magmaflow. Super creative and original, I know. Oh, and there's also a desert island and a glacier surrounding this one.

Huh.... That wasn't as too long or boring as I thought it would be.... Welp. Let's just move on with my life.

It was a...... nice Tuesday morning when I thought I would be social. Though my definition of social is going outside and just looking at people. They think I'm rude because I glare at them, but it's just that I don't normally smile. When I do, I look stupid. I hate my smile. Whatever, lets move on.

I let Legend know that I was going out and hopped on the train. After the train dropped me off at the village, I started to walk around, admiring the architecture. I saw the hotel from a closer view. I thought of hotel on a stick and looked back to the bakery. James was sitting on his laptop, probably taking his online courses for highschool. He's a freshman.

Yes, we get wifi here. It's great.

I peeked inside the hotel and a girl with short and wild dirty blonde hair glared at me.
"Who are you?" She asked. She had a sassy tone in her voice. "Are you a new fossil fighter newb?"
"A what?" I asked dryly.
"Nevermind. You clearly don't know what it is so you couldn't possibly be one."
"No duh, Sherlock." I replied rolling my eyes.
"Listen hon, you can't come waltzing in here and talk to me like that." She raised her voice.
"Look," I looked at her nametag. Tipper. "Look Tipper. I just wanted to peek in here. It's not like I care about stupid fossil fighter things. Nice meeting ya."

I stomped out of the hotel. The nerve of some people. I sat down on a bench to calm myself down. If I get too mad, I accidentally set things on fire. I learned that one the hard way.

I thought I would walk around some more, not even paying attention to the hotel. Most people were talking on their phones or shopping. I didn't see anything that had to do with fighting fossils or whatever that girl Tipper had said. Perhaps it could have been linked to those weird dig site things.

Whatever. Like I care.

Alyssa's Adventures in CranWhere stories live. Discover now