No, sir. We don't serve 'hotel on a stick.' Yet.

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After my ride with Legend, I went inside to brush my hair. It was super long. My hair is just a plain light brown color, nothing special. Oh, my eyes are also a dark brown. My bangs hung over my eyes and I felt it was time for a haircut. I put my pinkie up to my eyebrow and snapped with the other finger. Suddenly my bangs shortened and they were at the appropriate length that I liked them at. I trimmed a half an inch off of the rest of my hair with scissors. Something my mother taught me to do at a very young age.  

I stood on my tiptoes to make myself look taller. I'm 5'2" and 13. I know that's tall for 13, but I'm normally really short, and I'm pretty sure I'll stop growing here. I may have had a growth spurt over the past few months. After shrinking, Legend came inside.

"Hey there, buddy." I said to him while brushing my hair. "Did you like the fly?"
He started wagging his tail like a dog. That meant he was happy. I can understand him since I created him. Obviously.

I walked up to my balcony and looked out the window. The breeze was messing up my bangs but not enough for me to care. I saw a hotel off in the distance. The pine trees made it look a little like it was a hotel on a stick. I wonder what those would taste like....... Why am I thinking about this?

Anyways. I noticed that the boat docked earlier. I saw those weird looking girls with the suits again. Man, they creep me out. They all look the same! The only person I socialize with really is the baker's son because
A) He's cute.
And B) He gets me.

But enough about James (that's his name). Let's get back to present day. I

I went back into my room and collapsed overdramatically on my bed. Legend hopped up and laid down.
"You wouldn't happen to know why that yacht thing was sailing so close to the island, now would you?" I asked him.
He grunted.
"Well neither do I. I don't even think the tours start yet this year."

In all honesty, I think James and Legend are the only two things that keep me sane around here. I decided to pay him a visit. I put food by Legend and knocked on the door five times. I do that to let him know I'll be out for a while. The knocks echoed throughout the house as I went out the door.

I waited patiently for the train until it came. I hopped on and it took me into town which normally takes about 15 minutes. I walked into the bakery where James was reading some monthly magazine about food at the counter. I put my hood up and rang the bell.

He looked up at me and cracked a smile. "Hey there. Need anything?"
I smirked. "Just a suggestion for a pastry."
I told him about the view from my balcony and the hotel on a stick. He laughed. "It's basically a cake pop."
"I can ask my dad."
"You do that."

He looked behind him at the clock. 5:30.
"Hey, Alyssa. How about you come back tomorrow, and I might have a sketch for it." "Oh gosh." I replied. "This is going to happen?"
"Heck yeah. We can sell them in the hotel lobby and everyone will get a kick out of it."
"I like how you think, James, but before I go, can I get about 5 biscuits?"
"For here or to go?"
"What do you think?"
He rolled his eyes and chuckled as he put my biscuits in a box. "Here. That'll be $7.99 please."

I gave him $8 and left. I took the train home and began dinner. Hotel on a stick might happen. Who knew?

Alyssa's Adventures in CranWhere stories live. Discover now