I have a cliché-ish conversation about myself.

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The danger wasn't over yet.

"Sungari! Return! Now!" The man yelled. Yet the flames just continued to grow and expand. Dominick ran up to me.

"Alyssa, you DO realize what's happening, don't you?"

I whipped around and reached my hand out towards the man, dozens of medals flew into my hand. I don't know why I hadn't done that earlier. I'm so stupid! I turned to Dominick and put all the medals in his hands. "Run, you idiot." And with that, I passed out.

Yeah.... it's kinda pathetic, but could I help it? No! My pet just got KILLED, by ME. So it's not entirely surprising that I passed out.

               *                         *                         *

I woke up in a hotel bed. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning. I completely forgot everything that happened.

Soon, everything came back to me in one big flash. My eyes welled with tears but I wiped them away. I saw a blurry figure in the room. My eyesight wasn't getting any better. But it looked so familiar.

"James?" I whispered.

The figure stood up. It walked over to me, and leaned over me.

"James." I croaked. "I'm so glad you're here!" I hopped out of the bed and tried to walk around, but stumbled and sat back on the bed.

"I'm sure you know what happened." I just... I don't know what to do. He's really gone."

My vision cleared up. "You aren't...." I couldn't finish my sentence. I backed up until I bumped into the wall.

The figure came into focus, and a smile showed on its face. It was that Dr. Scatterly again.

He stood hovering over me. THAT was creepy enough. His hair and glasses were wacky and out of place, like he'd been up all night. Then again, that was probably the case. Why did I think HE was James?!

I was so embarrassed and terrified. What did this guy want?!

"Dear, don't hurt yourself. You've been through quite a lot." Dr Scatterly placed a hand on my shoulder. "You need to rest; you're still recovering. Dear, why don't you tell me what happened?"

Okay. This guy is seriously creepy. Not just because he called me dear twice.

"Don't touch me!" I pushed him away. My head started to spin. I tried to snap my fingers to teleport me back to my home, but nothing happened. My fingers couldn't really do much. I was completely weak. "What the..."

I remembered also that I used all of my power on accidentally killing Legend.

Dr. Scatterly stared at me creepily. I became adjusted to my surroundings, and reality itself.

"Where am I?" I asked, terrified.

"You're in the hotel here on vivosaur island. You've been resting here for the past three days, slipping in and out of consciousness." He said slowly.

I suddenly felt nauseous. What? Where.... I just.... ugh." I flopped on the bed.

Scatterly looked down at me. "Hmm, you still don't have any energy. You should get as much rest as you can."

"Gee, thanks." I muttered.

"Alyssa. Can you try and tell me what you remember?" He asked sympathetically. He's a good actor, I'll give him that. I can't trust him though. I barely even know him.

Why do people expect me to trust them if I've only just met them? They're practically strangers. Am I the only one with common sense around this island?

"As if you care." I groaned. "You just want to study my abilities or put me in some lab. Or you probably just want to put me in jail for killing my pet. It was an accident though! I didn't mean to open the portal." I rubbed my head. I was starting to get a splitting headache.

"Hmm... Tell me, what was this portal, exactly?"

I tried to sit up, but felt too lazy and tired. "It was a portal to another dimension. An alternate reality. No one can ever survive going through. It's extremely dangerous to use. The dimension spell only works when you basically are experiencing all negative emotions put together. It's not something anyone with that ability should be proud of. I'm still working on keeping my emotions in check." I explained.

Scatterly just kept nodding at me. "What about your friend?" He asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Who, Legend?" I asked. That's none of his business! "I don't wanna talk about it. It's too..... complicated." I rolled over. Pulling the covers over my head. "As soon as my power comes back, I'm going home." I whispered to myself.

"Listen, Alyssa..." Dr Scatterly gingerly pulled the covers down. "You need to try. If you don't, then we can't be of any help to you."

"That's the thing." I snapped. "I don't want you to help me. I don't need help. You know nothing about me, and that's good. It's best if you don't find out." My eyes started to fill with tears again. "Now just leave me alone." I squeaked.

No, I'm not gonna cry. I thought to myself. Crying is for babies. You're stronger than that.

I sat with him for several awkward moments of silence. I glanced up at him. "Look. I only wanted to return Dominick's medals. I didn't want to become apart of this huge fiasco you're dealing with. You said I needed to rest, didn't you?" I laid down and wrapped myself in covers. "I'm going to rest now."

"Alyssa, the only reason Dominick had his medals stolen, was because he was trying to help you. The boy, he saved your life. That sungari would've killed you both, had he not brought you to safety. We were only trying to help you."

I looked up at him, a puzzled expression on my face. "Why does he care? Why does anyone care about me at all. I'm terrible. I'm rude and mean and just plain awful. I'm a monster."

I said it. I said the thing that so many people have called me in the past. I said I was a monster, and I believe it. I'm too powerful, and that's a bad thing.

Scatterly smiled at me. "That's what friends do, isn't it? They look out for each other. And your friend was willing to risk his life for yours. I wouldn't let that friend get away so easily." With that, he stood up, and slowly made his way to the door. He suddenly stopped on his way out. "Oh, and one more thing. There's somebody who's waiting for you downstairs, once you're feeling up to it." And then he left.

Who could that be? I wondered. I was too tired to think. I laid back down. My eyes began to feel heavy, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Alyssa's Adventures in Cranحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن