I just met you, so obviously this is awkward.

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Dominick offered his hand, and opened the door for me.

I stepped out the door. "Such a gentleman." I said without emotion. It didn't take that long to walk, about thirty minutes. A man at the door was writing names down of the guests who entered. "Oh boy." I muttered.

He turned to me and grinned. "Alright. Just follow my lead."

This won't end well, I thought.

He took my hand, and we walked up to the bouncer. "Ah, good evening sir. This is, the anniversary party, is it not?"

"It is. What are your names?" The bouncer said cheerfully.

I spoke before Dominick could even breathe. He can't mess up this one. "My name is Samantha Walker, and this is my...... boyfriend. Charles Larken."

And at that moment, I died a little inside.

"Hmm. Can I see your fighter's licenses?" He clicked his tongue, putting a pen to his paper.

"Sir, that wasn't needed in the past 99 years. Is there a security issue?" I asked innocently.

"Sorry ma'am. I don't come up with this stuff. I just do as I'm told." He looked at me.

Okay, this can be done, I thought.

"Okay. Well, sweetie?" I emphasized the 'sweetie' because It made a good substitute for mentally telling him to not screw up.

He pulled out his meter, pressing a few buttons, and holding his wrist out so he could see. On the screen's display showed a fighter'a license for a Charles Larken. He pointed to me. "She's not a fighter, but she's with me."

I didn't want anymore ID stuff, not that it would be a problem. I smiled sweetly at the bouncer. "Is that all sir?"

The bouncer inspected the license. He nodded, seeming to buy it. "Well, alright then. You two enjoy yourselves." He wrote something down on his paper.

"Thank you." I said and linked Dominick's arm with mine. We walked in together and I whispered "don't get used to this bucko."

He whispered back to me, "I'm pretty sure bucko is a vivosaur."

"Don't start." I huffed. "We just need to find this guy."

We strolled into the stadium. It was hard to walk in the heels without tripping. I had to look dignified though.

The party was phenomenal. Music filled the whole stadium. The entire place was covered in beautiful decorations, celebrating the 100th anniversary. People wandered about, doing things from talking, to eating food, and even dancing to the music. Several tables were full of assortments of foods and pastries. Truly a party.

Children ran around me laughing and squealing. "How adorable." I said.

He took me out to where people stood dancing. He took my hand and smiled at me.

No. Nah. Nope. No way. I'm not dancing with him. "You're kidding." I scoffed.

"Well, Samantha, this is a party. So let's enjoy it." He took my other hand, and we started to dance.


He pulled my ear to his mouth. He whispered in my ear, "We've got to put on a good show. If this guy is here like you're predicting, then we should make him believe we're really what we say we are."

"Unfortunately." I added. I prayed that we would just find the guy and go back home so I can forget any of this ever happened.

He dipped me, his face hovering just a couple inches from mine. I could've slapped him then and there, but I had to keep calm.

"So please, try to enjoy yourself Miss Walker." He said in an annoying British accent.

I only had one thing on my mind, and that was catching this guy, but honestly, I had no idea this would happen. A lot can happen in one day, it was only hours ago that this random stranger jumped in front of me and fought this Jeff Grimes guy.

And I know what you're thinking. Oh my gosh Alyssa, why are you such a JERK?! Well let me tell you something. This isn't a Disney movie. I'm not going to put my complete trust in a stranger I just met that day. He can't get comfortable with me..... he doesn't even know me. Sure, I'll use my magic on him and not kill him at the first chance I get, but after today, he can go back to his fossil place and forget all about me.

Because honestly, I'm just a mistake waiting to happen, and he doesn't realize that.

Alyssa's Adventures in Cranحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن