You must get at least 8 hours of sleep before fighting the pterodactyl.

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Oh, I had a terrible day. Thanks for asking.

I continuously woke up and couldn't get back to sleep one night. It was 6:45 am and I decided to just get up. I was feeling tired and lazy so I threw my hair in a messy bun and threw a t-shirt and sweats on. I put on mismatched socks and a pair of sneakers. I fixed my necklace and thought about wearing my cape.


I was too lazy to put on my makeup, so I just trudged out of my room to grab some food. I ate cereal and read Anne of Green Gables. After about 3:00, I had thought about going outside to at least check the temperature. I didn't do anything but read and eat all day long.

I thought about taking Legend for a ride. Just because I was being lazy didn't mean that he wanted to stay home and do nothing all day with me. I grabbed my cape and called for Legend. He hopped outside and began to grow....... and grow........aaaaand grow. You get the gist.

I hopped on his back and his wings started flapping, we began to take off. The wind blew in my face and my hood flew off of my head. I don't mind, since that happens every time.

Suddenly I heard a weird noise. I couldn't quite make it out. I just ignored it and kept on flying. After a short while, I heard it again. Only this time, it was louder. I turned behind me to see a weird dinosaur thing come flying towards me. It was red and green. It's wings were huge! It had two hornlike things by his mouth. It kind of looked like a pterodactyl, but more colorful and it looking like it wanted to FREAKING RIP MY FACE OFF.

"Faster, Legend!" I shouted. He looked behind and saw the odd looking flying creature. He grunted and flew faster. My heart started beating. I know I've trained Legend to fight, but I never knew we would need the training.

Everything happened so quickly. One minute I'm in the air, and next thing I know, I'm plummeting to the ground. I screamed and closed my eyes. We hit the ground and I fell off of Legend's back. Pain surged throughout my body. Legend shrunk. I could see his wing was cut in several places. He was still alive, thankfully.

The flying creature landed. Someone muffled something. Some sort of shout. I could've taken him down no doubt, but I was frightened. So I just shouted out of fear for myself and Legend, "Help! Please! Someone help me!!"

No one came and I snapped back to reality. "Hold up." I muttered. "I got this."
I grew a fireball in the palm of my hand and threw it at the creature, it dodged the flames. I grunted and threw another one. It was so close, but the creature dodged it again.

"Urgh, just die you stupid...... thing!" I yelled. It wouldn't listen. I threw an orb onto Legend. The orb surrounded him and protected him from anything like a shield.

I kept fighting the creature until I caught a faint glimpse of someone running towards me. Did someone actually hear me? I thought to myself. Before I could have a second thought, the pterodactyl thing started attacking me. He started to breathe fire. I sprayed the fire with a huge gust of water. The fire and water clashed and we were fighting to the death basically.

I could see the person coming towards me a lot more closely. I didn't remember seeing him around before. I told my self to focus and kept working on trying to at least drown the dino thing.

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