James breaks the fifth wall.

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When I woke up, I suddenly felt a surge of energy flow through my entire body. My powers had obviously returned. I got out of bed, realizing where I was. "How long was I asleep?" I asked myself.

"Not long enough." Someone said. I looked up and saw James. I'm serious. This time it really was him. "The doctor said you should be out for five days. It's only been four." He smirked.

I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given anyone. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big squeeze. "You didn't come down yesterday, so I thought I might come again today. You know you snore, right?"

"Don't remind me." I chuckled.

James stopped hugging me and he looked worried. "I'm so glad you're okay. When I heard you were in a coma I..... I didn't know what to think." His voice was shaky.

"I'm fine. I'm going to be okay." I whispered. "But Legend......" I started tearing up. "It was all my fault. I should never have.." I couldn't finish my sentence because I began to cry.

I walked to the window, the blinds were shut I opened them and only saw buildings. I wasn't facing the direction of my house. I forced myself to stop crying, but my eyes were still puffy and my skin was all blotchy.

"Hey... everything is going to be okay." James tried to comfort me.

"No it isn't. I've lost everyone that I cared about.... I'm afraid you'll be next."

"Don't worry about me, we need to get you home where you'll be safe. Come on, we can get out a different way so Doctor Emmett Brown doesn't notice."

I laughed at his joke. "What's the plan?"

"Well, if I'm right, the exit shouldn't be far, but we can't just skip out of here in front of everyone. They'll send you back to your room so you can get  more 'rest.'" He rolled his eyes. "Resting here? Totally not gonna help."

He grabbed me by the wrist and we ran out of the room. He looked up and down the hallways. "We're good. Follow me."

He ran down the halls until we came to a huge room that was three stories tall by my estimation. It had a pentagon shape. Each of the five cement walls had a door. "Any chance you know where the door to get us out of here is?" I asked.

James shook his head. "We'll have to try each of them."
"There isn't any other way."  He began walking to wall 2.
"Yes there is. There's always another way." I said, reluctantly following him.

There was a big red button right next to the door. I assumed if you pushed it, the door would either open, or something would explode. I didn't want to take any chances. "James.... do not push the big red button. Nothing good ever comes out of pushing the big red button. Something bad could happen."

He didn't listen, obviously. He nonchalantly gave that possible button o' doom a push. Alarms began to go off. It was a deafening sound. I couldn't hear myself think, and I certainly couldn't hear James cursing while he tried to look for other options of escape.

"I'd hate to say I told you so at a time like this!!" I yelled, trying to sound louder than the alarms.
"You don't have to!!" He yelled back. "Does your magic still work?!"
"Not if I can't concentrate!!"

He buzzed around the room. I could hear the loud stomping of feet. Loud cries were heard by what sounded like an army. An army! Why do these people have armies? Three simple security guards would have been great, thank you very much.

James backed into wall 5 and it started to vibrate. Soon, the entirety of wall 5 began to crumble to the ground. We tried to dodge falling pieces of cement. After the wall collapsed, the footsteps sounded louder and more clear, it sounded like running. They were gaining on us. Only the other four walls remained.

James and I started to run, but my cape got stuck in one of the cement bricks. I tried yanking it towards me but it wouldn't budge. James came back, scooped me up, and my cape was torn from me. The whole thing lay on the ground.

James put me down as soon as the footsteps were no longer heard. "I'm sorry about your cape." He tried to break the awkward silence.

"Don't worry about it. As soon as we catch our breath, we need to keep running. We'll be safe as soon as we get back to my place. I can see if I can contact Dominick and let him know what's up."

"Alright. Let's go." We kept running. It felt like we ran for days, months, years even! I'm..... I'm pretty impatient, and also bad with time. I only ran for three hours. Not sure about James though.

I eventually got so tired and worn out that I began to slow down. James picked me up and carried me the entire way to my house. I fell asleep after a few seconds. Luckily for him, it wasn't too far away at that point. I woke up not shortly after we returned to my house. I was on my couch.

James was sitting by my side, glancing out the window. He turned to look at me, he sighed, relieved. "Oh, good. You're awake. I know I said you needed rest, but there is something you need to see."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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