I can't afford to blow up another building.

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"Train? There's a train here?" Dominick asked. "I got here on a boat."
"Well sir, we're going to be doing things a bit differently. C'mon. The station isn't that far away." I kept going, holding Legend's sleeping body in my arms. I wanted to cry, but I didn't let myself. "You'll be okay buddy." I whispered to him.
"So, uhh, what's your name?" He asked me after a while.
I decided not to answer. Once we got to the station, the train was already there. "Good timing." I murmured. The conductor leaned out and smiled at me. "Hey missy, where to today?" I smiled at him. "Hi Henry. The village please." I got on the train and sat down. It was an awkward silence until I spoke up.
"Alyssa. That's my name. You.... you asked earlier."
"Oh." He looked up at me. "Well Alyssa, I gotta ask you. What did you do to upset that guy earlier, that he went and attacked you with his vivosaur? You must've really gotten on his bad side..."
I rolled my eyes . "I decided to go outside today, that's what. I have no idea who he even is."

"So... This guy just came up to you and started attacking you with his vivosaur? Sounds about right."
"Hey, it's not my fault that people want to kill me! I don't know this person, you gotta believe me." I snapped.

"Hey man, I'm just asking. Didn't mean to offend you or anything."
I calmed down, I didn't want him to try and kill me... not that he'd succeed. "Sorry, I'm just really stressed out. I want to heal my dragon as soon as possible before the wound gets infected."
He frowned. "I don't get it. Can't you just turn it into a medal and keep it that way? It wouldn't sustain any injuries."
I was ready to throw him into another dimension, when the train came to a stop. We were at the village. "Where are you staying?" I asked Dominick.
"Uhh, the hotel. Where most everybody is." He laughed. He got up and got off the train after me.
"Oh..... no reason." I lied. I just didn't want to see that girl again in the hotel. I put my hood up.

"Alright, follow me. I'll take you to the center where we can get your vivosaur examined." He waved me towards him, and he started walking towards this weird center.
"Dragon." I muttered through my teeth. "Right, lets go. The sooner we get there, the sooner Legend will be checked out, the sooner we can leave."
We came up to the place eventually. We walked inside, and Dominick approached the desk. A girl was sitting there, reading.

"Hey Stacy." He said.
"Hey Dominick. How's it going?" The girl asked him cheerfully.

"Alright. We need to pay a visit to Dr Scatterly. Is he here?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes, he's in his office." She gestured to a door to the left of the desk.
I held Legend close and hugged him gently. "You're going to be okay. I promise you." I saw the cut had dried, but it still looked bad. Whoever did this is going to pay.

"He's right this way." We walked into the door Stacy showed us.
"Neat." I said dryly.

"Uhh, Dr Scatterly? Is this a bad time?" Dominick asked.
I started to panic. "No! It can't be a bad time. He needs to see my dragon now."
The Dr Scatterly guy looked up and straightened the glasses on his face. He walked over, a grin on his face.

"Ahh, Dominick." He said. He turned to me. "And, to whom do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.
"Hi. My name is Alyssa. My dragon was wounded while in flight." I said while holding up Legend. "I was hoping you could heal and/or fix his wing for me please."
"My, that's quite an unusual vivosaur. I don't believe I've seen anything quite like it." He took a closer look at it.
"Ahh, what a lovely color." He stroked Legend's back.
I sighed. "That's because it isn't a vivosaur. And yes, it has a nice color, I chose it for him myself."
"What a small fellow he is though. I wonder if all his kind are that size?" He stood upright, completely oblivious to me and caught up in his own thoughts.
"Uh, Dr Scatterly. It's injured. We were wondering if you knew how to heal it." Dominick said.
"Yes, please. And no more about the vivosaurs." I begged.
"Hmmm, have you tried reverting it to medal form?" He asked, looking at me. Did he not hear what I had asked? "Most often that's the problem."
"Alright that's it." I said, finally having had enough. I put Legend on a table and pulled back my hood, revealing more of my face and an even messier bun. I grasped my necklace. "You see this? This is technically it's medal. This necklace makes sure that he stays alive. If the necklace falls into the wrong hands, or breaks in any way, he dies.
Anymore questions?"
I folded my arms. Looking at both of the guys. Why don't they just listen to me?
"You're not a fighter, are you?" Dr Scatterly asked. "No, I didn't think I recognized you." He said. "You probably don't even have a license."
"What?!" I yelled. I balled my hands into fists and they started heating up. They turned an red-orange color. Soon, they were on fire. At the time, I had no idea, I couldn't feel anything.

"Uh... Dr Scatterly... ?" Dominick backed up, frightened. Why was he scared?
I tried my best to calm down and just breathe. "I use my magic to fight, sir."
Backing away from me, the back of his leg hit the coffee table, and he tripped over it. He fell and landed on the couch. Papers flew up everywhere, and he was lost in the pile of papers.

"What?" I asked not noticing my hands. I looked at my hands and quickly put them behind my back. I was so embarrassed. "Uh.... that happens when I'm angry. Are... you okay Dominick?"

Dr Scatterly helped him up, throwing all the papers off of him.

"That was a trip you had there." He said.

Dominick looked at me, his eyes wide. Crap, my hands lit on fire again.

Alyssa's Adventures in CranWhere stories live. Discover now