Undertale Sans x Baby Katie

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Third POV
It was a lovely day for the monster's. All was happy for everyone. Especially two certain skeletons. Sans and papyrus, they were now currently on their way to the adoption center. Papyrus always wanted a little sibling to look after and play with, frisk was an ok playmate but she turns 16 in couple days so she'll be busy most of her time. Tori finally convinced sans to get papyrus a new sibling and to be honest he to wanted a little one to look after as well.

When they arrived at the center they saw all sorts of little children running around and playing on the playground equipment. Papyrus squealed and pulled on his brother to get him to go faster.

" Come on sans let's go"
" Alright I'm coming I'm coming"

They entered through the front doors and waited for a bit. Sans went up to the desk and signed in their names. After a while a tall thin  lady called them in to choose who they want to adopt.

" hello and welcome to our adoption center,my name is vilot.how may i help you today"?

" Can we adopt one of the kids outside?" Sans asked her

She smiled and replies " oh I'm sorry but this is also a daycare we're working on fixing our sign. But the front desk should have told you that did they not?"

" No they did not!"

" So what kids can we adopt?"

" Follow me to the nursery"

She lead them to a small room filled with cribs, and little beds plus more children some the age of the ones outside some much younger. The older ones notice them and surrounded them.

" Hi wanna play a game?"

" Are you gonna adopt one of us?"

They all asked him questions the only one that wasn't around them was a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes, she had on fake cat ears and a blue onesie.

Sans noticed her and carefully made his way through the crowd of children. Papyrus on the other hand was picking them up one by one and giving them each a few spins before moving to the next one.

As sans approached the little girl she looked up at him and smiled. She reached her hands out to him and cooed. He smiled and picked her up holding her up in front of him. He couldn't help but chuckle. The onesie she was in was a kitty type onesie and it was blue to just like his jacket.

He made his way back to his brother who was still playing with the other kids. He held her out and smiled.

" What about this little gal?"

Papyrus turned to his brother and  smiled. " YES! I THINK THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA!"he sat up from the floor he was kneeling and walked towards his older brother sans.He took the child out of his arms and spined gently. Making her giggle a lot.

He laughed and stopped looking back at sans. " I LOVE HER! SHE LOOKS SO CUTE IN HER ONSIE!" sans nodded. " I can agree, let's adopt this one"

They said goodbye to the other kids and went back to the front desk to sign the adoption papers. The lady smiled and poked the child's nose.

" You have fun with your new big Brothers Katie."

She cooed in response.

Papyrus smiled and put her on his shoulders."COME ON BROTHER! LETS SHOW THE TINY HUMAN HER NEW HOME!" He said running out the door with katie clinging to him for dear life.

" Easy bro don't wanna hurt her on accident."

Papyrus stopped and nodded slowly taking her off and handing her to sans.
" I JUST REMEMBER THAT THIS AFTERNOON I HAVE A LESSON WITH UNDYNE!" he ruffled Katie's hair and rushed off. " ILL BE BACK BY TONIGHT!" Sans nodded and moved on before calling out " be careful"

~ time skip~

Sans finally arrived at his home. Setting the small child down  he went to the closet and found the play pin he used for flowey. He chuckled a bit remembering how he always teased him saying he was in gay baby jail.

As he was setting up the pin he heard small little giggles come form behind him. He chuckled again. " Heh heh what's up little one, why are you so----."

He gasped and saw her floating in mid air. Panicked he used his power and tried catching her. But every time he tried she moved either to the right or to the left. " Ah kid hold still, how are you evening doing that aren't you human, wait......napstablook put her down!"

A few seconds past and appeared the small little ghost holding her close. He smiled a little and handed sans back his little sister.

Sans pov~
During that whole afternoon she has met a lot of people already. Alphys, Mettaton, Toriel and Asgore, Frisk,......flowey ( xD)
It was a lot of people for the kid but i think she managed. She's a tuff one to feed though. Just as i was getting her some left over spaghetti from last night. She started to fuss and cry. So i tried giving her a bite but uh....she kinda hit the spoon out of my hand, thus start the crying and leg kicking. This is a situation most parents hate i can say that, but  experience with pap when he was a baby. This was no different then during his fits.

As she kept kicking her legs her foot hit the plate which sent spaghetti flying everywhere. On the table, on her face, on the floor, and even on me. Dam this kids gonna be the death of me!

I urged a smile and chuckle. I picked her up gently and took her upstairs. (After i cleaned up the kitchen) and i drew a bath for her. I got her undressed then checked to see if the water was just right for her. When it was warm enough for her i set her down in the tub and started to wash off the spaghetti. She began to fuss a bit but when i gave her a look she calmed down and let me continue to wash her. When i finished i dried her off and put a fresh new diaper on her. It was a cute one, normal white with a pink heart on the rim button and a pink heart on the back. I couldn't help but chuckle when she tried sitting up. She can sit up on her own,but when she tried to sit up right there she fell forward into my arms. It was so freaking aDORAbal ( heh heh get it) i grinned once more before i grabbed a pink onsie this time and put her in it. I then picked her up and carried her down to the couch. Sitting down i turned on mtt's cooking show. After the first few episodes i heard little snoring, when i looked down at katie i saw that she had fallen asleep in my arms. I smiled and kissed her forehead. " good night kid!"

Papyrus walked in and sighed. He took off his scarf and smiled. He turned around only  to see a small little katie sleeping in her big brother sans arms. He smiled softly and pulled a blanket over them and he went off to bed as well.

He could help but smile to himself. 'This tiny human reminds me of when i was at a young age. But...she's so....small. How is that possible. Ill ask sans when we wake up in the morning. For now.....why don't i just rest.' he thought as he turned the light off and snuggled close to his bed and slowly fell asleep

undertale au's x Oc'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora