Gaster Sans x Baby Aki

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Third pov

Little aki was scared, abandoned and alone. She had nothing but a basket and a pink blanket. She gave out a small whine before she bursts into tears. She cried and cried until she heard some foot steps echo through the walls of the alleyway she had been abandoned in. She gave out small whimpers, the foot steps stop, then shuffle and got closer to her. She kept whining and whimpering. She stop when the basket she was in was pulled out from the trash she was under only to find herself looking up at a....a skeleton.

It was a boy skeleton and he was about medium sized. Wearing a black jacket with white fluffs on the end and black jean. He also had yellow eyes......and.....he had two cracks in his skull.

She cooed and reached for him. He smirked and picked her up cradling her to his chest. He spoke in a ( sexy xD ) deep voice.

" hey now little one...what are you crying at?" he held her on one hip before pulling  out a cig and popping  it in his mouth and light it up before putting his lighter away. He smiled at her and puffed out some smoke. He turned his head away to blow out the smoke so he wouldn't get any in her face.

He smiled and spoke again." so i guess you were abandoned huh?"
She cooes and rubbed his face making him smile  and ruffled her hair. " welp. Guess your gonna need a new home huh?" she cooed in response making him chuckle.

" heh heh. Alright. Im sans..sans the skeleton. What's your....uh..well. You dont have one yet now do you sweetie?"

The small child tilted her head to the side. " dah?"

" guess think ill call you.......aki"

She giggled and kicked her legs. He chuckled and took another puff of his cig before throwing it away. " i guess u like it. Welp...shall we go home miss aki"

She squealed more making him laugh to himself. " by the way sweetheart, i don't live alone so my bro may or may not be home. But he's a very cherry fellow. He'll love you to death im sure."

Aki gave out a small coo before she yawned and fell asleep in sans arms. He smirked a little and continued on his way back home.
" i just hope he's is home" he said before turning the corner and down the dark street.

When sans arrived home and to his relief papyrus was home. He found his brother sleeping on the couch. He must have been worn out from work so sans left him alone and went to the kitchen. He put aki on one hip and looked in the fridge. He saw the baby bottle tori had brought over to him for ' many cases'. He grabbed it and shaked it making sure it had some milk left in it. Luckily it did, so he heated it up for a bit and fed that to her. When she was done he put her over his shoulder and patted her back softly. She gave out a small burp. He stopped patting her back then smiled before getting up to go to his room.

Once he reached his room he looked through his drawer and found a baggy black top. It didn't fit her but her at least it kept her warm and cozy. He chuckled at her when she lifted her arms. The sleeves were to long so they dropped over her hands.

Sans picked her up and cradled her again. He kicked off his boots and sat on the bed. He lifted her up high and bounced her up and down gently cooing at her making her giggle. He grinned before her cradled her again and poking her tummy.

She giggled but then soon got sleepy eyes a little bit sans decided it was about that time for little aki to get some rest.

He laid her down on his bed and pulled a small gray blanket over her and watched her fall asleep. He grinned and he too thought it was a good idea to get some rest as well. So he stretched for a second then he laid down beside her pulling his cover over. He looked at her and snuggled her asleep before falling asleep.

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