Underswap Papyrus x Baby Katherine part 1

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Third pov

The next morning inside this little home was kinda chaotic. The small human child woke the brothers up at 6 am ( blueberry). She cried for an hour went back to sleep then woke the next hour. And had blue running here and there.papyrus however was....well papyrus. Lazily on the couch watching tv until his brother came rushing in while holding a finally calm Katherine. " brother will you please help me. I need to go train with alphs." papyrus yawned and put his arms out. " sure bro, hand her here". Blue gave a relief sigh before setting the small child over. She looked up at papyrus and giggled while grabbing onto his larger fingers. Pap smiled and poked her cheek a bit before standing up and going to his room woth her. Blue on the other hand was already out the door right after papyrus got up to the top of the stairs.

After arriving to his room he closed the door with his foot and went and sat on his bed. He looked down at her and smiled. She was adorably chewing on his finger. He moved his hand and waved a finger. " ah ah ah. You don't know where That's been. " she cooed making the tall skeleton chuckle. He laid down with her on his chest and smiled. " you just wanna lay here for a few hours and then maybe go to muffets?" Katherine smiled and kicked her legs happily. He smiled and kissed her head. " i take that as a yes. Then sweetheart shall we....." " z....z.....z."  " heh already asleep huh kiddo?" he smiled and kissed her head once more before falling asleep. " night kiddo. See you in two hours"

End of part 1 srry once again its short but im going through some stuff and im trying my best to update. But im hanging in there. Next one is underlust papyrus x baby amy. Later beauty's

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