Swapfell Sans x child tiny

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Third pov

A small child walked down the path from ruins. She had finally escaped from there after a couple of days when she first fell down here. She was a small child but not to small. She is 5 years of age,light brown hair and blue eyes. Her name was tiny. A small child whose parents no longer wanted her anymore. So she came here to the underground in hopes of finding someone but...she never thought they would be so..rude..and evil.

She shivered at the cold wind. She should have worn a better outfit. All she had on was a gray long sleeve and a skirt.  She kept on the path and came up to a huge branch in the path. It was to big for her to pick up so she left it alone. It soon broke out of no where. frighten she squeaked and took off running. She reached a gate thing and was about to go through until she heard faint footsteps approach her. She was about to run but something caught her by the back of her shirt and lifted her off the ground to face her. When she looked at who had picked her up her eyes widened. H..he was a skeleton. He was tall had on a black hoodie with fluff on the hood. And orange jeans. He had on a dog collar and one of his teeth was gold. " well well well. Look what the ruins spat out. A human child. Heh heh. Pretty small though"

She just looked at him, she was terrified of the being at first but once he gave a small smile she felt a little bit safer around him. She dangled over the ground a bot at her height limit.

She kicked her legs wanting him to either hold her right or put her down. He gave her a tilt head with a face of confusion. " what is it sweetie?" he held her closer to his chest and rubbed her back. Soon she finally calmed down and she hugged her arms around his neck. He gave a little chuckle and pated her back. " i see...you just wanted to be held correct? "

He smiled when he felt her snuggle into his neck more and whimper. He rubbed her back a little more and walked through the gate trap.

When he arrived at his post he checked the time on his phone and sighed. " looks like my patrol is over. Welp wanna go home sweetie?". Now hearing these words she thought he meant her actual home up on the surface. So she started to freak out a little bit. He gave a look of concern and started to rub her back again this time having her face him sitting in his lap. " hey hey sweetie what's the matter? You don't wanna go home?" she shook hee head with tears in her eyes. She doesn't want to go back to that foster home she called 'home' the ' parents ' there were abusive to her before she was kicked out of the house.

He sighed and hugged her close still rubbing her back. " i see now, you were abused by your parents weren't you" she nodded as he used a thumb to wipe away her tears. She sniffled a bit more and hugged him tight. She squeaked when she heard a louder voice come from behind them. "PAPYRUS! YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING FUCK WHERE ARE YOU?!"  ' papyrus' as the voice implied tcked his tounge and growled. " dammit. He just had to come didn't he. Don't worry i'll be sure to tell sans not to hurt you ok?"  she nodded and hugged his neck a little bit more closer. He smiled and stood up when his brother approached him. Sans eyes widened and he stared at the child. " P...PAPYRUS....IS THAT..A HUMAN?"  " yes" " MWE HEH HEH! GREAT WORK PAPYRUS"  he tugged papyrus chain and brought him close to him. Sans leaned forward and said " your not as useless as i thought you would be" hearing his brothers breath hitch he smirked and let him go. He held his arms out to the child and demanded that papyrus gave him the human over. But papyrus had other thoughts.
" m'lord this...human is way too small to die. She's barely of age. Please let this one go"

Sans was stunned with how his brother stood up for...a human. But looking at how small and weak the child is gave him second thoughts. He straighten up and cleared his throat. " BROTHER. IF YOU WANT THE CHILD. YOU CAN HAVE-"
" actually m'lord.....i was kinda hoping you would take her"

Sans glared at him in disgust. " WHY WOULD I DO THAT?" papyrus shrugged and pointed at tiny. " just look at her. She maybe small but she is at a young age so you can still raise her to be like a monster, plus it looks like she likes you"

Sans was thinking this through in his head. Papyrus right they could be trained to be a monster, and he could make her better then how his brother turned out to be.

Tiny whimpered and held her arms out to sans who jumped back at her actions. " WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU WANT SMALL HUMAN?" she wiggled in paps arms and pointed at sans whimpering. Papyrus got the memo and set her down on to the ground again. She got to her feet then went over to sans. She wasn't as tall as him though, she was just up to his hips. She hugged him and smiled. Papyrus snickered at this, " aww see i told you she likes you."

Sans pov

I jolted back when the child hugged me. At first i didn't know what to do but a little bit of time past and i eventually hugged the human back, i made her look at me. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME TINY HUMAN?"  she got exited and nodded rapidly.  I got confused her name is human? ".....your name is human?" i asked looking at her,she shook her head and did a type of motion, she pinched her fingers down. Ugh shes only making it more confusing. I scratched my head and looked at papyrus who only shrugged. I looked back at the child and spoke. " TINY HUMAN. I THINK-"

" mm mm" she nodded again and hugged me tightly. Now im even more confused. "Is your name tiny? Is that what your trying to say?" my brother asked and she nodded happily. She lifted her arms up to me and i picked her up holding her on my hip i saw her grab the back of my bandanna. I smiled and turned away walking away with the child. I heard papyrus say something about me being careful with her. I only grunted and kept going to my house.

When i got there i set her down so i could unlock the door to my home. I felt her grab my hand tightly, chuckling i finally got the door open i picked her back up and went inside my home. I. Took off my boots and walked up to my room where i heard the small childs stomach rumble. I smirked at her and ruffled her hair. " YOU MUST BE STARVING. HM? HOW ABOUT SOMETHING TO EAT?"
She though for a second then nodded. I chuckled and grabbed her hand. " ALRIGHT HUMAN! LET GO MAKE SOME TACOS! ". I lead her out downstairs to the kitchen. I picked her up and set her on the table. I pulled out some ingredients and started to make the tacos for her. When i was down i got her plate ready. Setting it down and sitting in the chair beside her i watched her eat. I snickered when she got ranch ( yes i like ranch on my tacos) on the side of her face. I leaned forward and wiped it off. I licked it off my finger when i looked back at tiny i saw that she was done so i picked up her plate and set it in the sink. I went back over to her picked her up and went back up to my room.

It was in no time when she got sleepy eyes. I was sitting in bed reading until i heard her yawn a little bit. I peeked over at her and saw her lying on the floor. I chuckled at her cuteness, i stood up and walked over to her. Picking her up i placed her on my bed to rest. I sat back in bed again and started to read again.

" s....sans" a small voice squeaked my eyes widened and i looked over at tiny who was looking up at me.
" y....yes tiny?"
" will you read to me pwease?"

I looked down at the book then back at her and smiled. " of course." ( awww) i pulled her close and snuggled her. When was settled i started to read to her. She soon fell asleep after the first chapter. I smiled and set the book aside,when i snuggled close to her i heard one last thing from her. " i love you dady" my eyes widened and i snuggled her rubbing my fingers through her hair. "I love you too sweetie" i said as i kissed her forehead.

undertale au's x Oc'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon