Underfell Sans x Baby Molly

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Third pov

Down in the underground deep in Snowdin a small brown basket laid in between two buildings. In this basket laid a small baby girl. Brown hair and pure white skin and had big bright green eyes. Asleep but cold she has been abandon by her parents for some unknown reason.

As this child slept footsteps crunched not to far away, they became louder and closer ( Idek I'm just lost in thought rn ) and then a low voice spoke out " hey there little guy what are you doing out here all alone".  This newcomer picked her up and wrapped the gray blanket she was laying in around her and moved on.

A few short hours later she woke up to a new sight the which formed around her, she blinked a couple times and yawned stretching her arms out. She rubbed her small eyes and looked around. She was in a small house, decorated in a black and red kind of manner. Aka a not so friendly sight, to her view at the most. She thought nothing of it and carefully climbed off of the couch. But alas she failed and lost her footing and fell on her bottom. She gave a little whimper but then started to crawl to the kitchen.

" heh heh looks whose up from their nap."

Looking back she saw a medium sized skeleton with a black jacket with fur on the hood, matching black shorts, plus shoes to go with it all. But the thing the stood out the mist was his golden tooth that brights up when he smiled.

He walked up to her and picked her up. He headed back to the couch and cradled her.

" We can't have you hurt, Tori would tear my "skin" if you were harmed"

She gave out a small giggle leaving him to smile and crack a few more puns. She liked him but she wished she knew his name.

What felt like hours but was only one, he got up again and went to his room. He closed the door behind him and set her down. He looked at her and smiles.

" We need to figure out a name for you little girlie."

She smiled as if she understood what he said. He smiled back and thought for a moment. " Hmm how about........Molly?" He grinned at her as she giggled in approval. This kept on until the front door to there home burst open revealing a taller skeleton with black and red battle type clothing. He had a red scarf to match the rest of his outfit. " SANS YOU LAZY BONES WHERE ARE YOU?". Sans flinched and started to leak beats of sweat from his forehead. Whoever this new comer is sans is most definitely afraid of him.

The tall skeleton growls and marched up stairs to his brothers room.when he opened the door he saw sans and a small....human? Sitting on sans bed. He looked at sans and raised his eyebrow. " Sans is that a human child?"

Sans hesitated ( spelling) at first then spoke nervously. " Y-yeah boss it is.....her name is Molly and I found her by Grillbys place and she was almost frozen to death. So I brought her in" he explained

' boss ' as he sans called him had a face that is way to difficult to explain. After for what felt like minutes, He held out his arms and simply demanded " give her here"

" B-boss?"

"Did I stutter. Hand.her.here"

Sans did as he was told and handed Molly over to 'boss'. Sans was a little scared at first. He stood there as he watched his brother look over the small child.  " Now how old are you human?" Molly having no idea what was going on she only cooed out and reached for his scarf making the tall skeleton smirk a bit. He held her on his hip and looked at his brother. " Sans make this child a bottle and get her some new blankets I'll go out and buy her some toys and clothes for her alright?" 

" Yes boss"

" And call alphs over we need to see how old the human is and where she came from" he said walking over  to his room.

Sans nodded and headed to the phone dialing Alphs number.
" Hey al. Me and the boss need a favor"

Back to Molly who was now currently chewing her fingers was sat down on the bed of the great papyrus. He found his old red scarf from when he was little bones. Wrapping the scarf around her neck he picked her up again and went back stairs and handed her to sans who just now got the bottle and blankets ready for her. Sans took her and gently set her on the pink blanket he found and he then gave Molly her bottle. But Molly only played with her bottle so sans had to cradle her and bottle feed her. Seeing her softly suck on the tip he started talking to her.

" You know I never took care of a child at your age before, pap was 5 when i took care of him so." he smiled at her "this could be an experience"
Papyrus pulled his scarf and boots on before walking out the door. " I WILL BE BACK IN AN HOUR! AND BY THE TIME I GET BACK....YOU HAD BETTER HAVE GIVEN HER A BATH AND IN THAT CRIB!"

" s...s.sure thing boss"

He only snorted and went out to the store.  Leaving san with the small innocent child.

After a while Molly's eyes became heavy and she slowly feel asleep in sans arms. He smirked and put her on his shoulder and started to Pat her back gently. He gave a smile of relief to hear her give out a small burp. Getting up he walked to his room and set her on the blanket her found for her. On his mattress of course, she jolted a little but still was asleep.

Seeing her sleep made sans smile to himself. ' hm.....no wonder tori loves to take care of kids......their so freakin cute'. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead and slept next to her on the floor.


Papyrus came back with three bags. Two bags of clothes and one bag of toys. He set them down on the table and went upstairs to check on his brother. Seeing they feel asleep. He only snorted and went back to his torture room.

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