Underlust Mettaton x Baby Miki

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Third pov

Mettaton sighed as he walked in his stage room. Another full night, but it was all just flirty monsters and ' fans'. So it had to just last longer then it usually did. But in the end it was worth it... He was worth it. ( in this he means Papyrus). He sighed and sat down in a chair close to his 'fanmail'. Looking through it he pulled out his usual pink letter from papyrus and read it. " he's so sweet. Well...time to go home".
                    - time skip-
As Mettaton walked through the door of the lab a small form scooted above him making a small squeak noise. He stopped and smiled a little bit. " miki..i know your here somewhere". Nothing but the sounds of little giggles were heard making him chuckle and walk around in circles. " where oh where could my little human be?". Shuffles again and little miki comes running down the stairs and around the corner hiding again. The sound of her little feet hitting the floor caught Mettaton's attention. He giggled before walking over to the giant tv. " miiikii! I have some chocolate for you!". She gasped and immediately ran out of her hiding spot and hugged her caregivers leg. " coco?".  " aha i got you!". Mettaton smiled as she turned away trying to run but he was too quick for her. He grabbed her and pulled her in to his lap and began to make kissing noises in her neck tickling her. She squealed with laughter and struggled trying to break lose of his grasp. " imma eat you up for my dinner! Oh nomnomnom!" " nooohoho ah!". Mettaton smiled at miki's giggles. He loved moments like this. Playing with his soon to be daughter. Yes i said soon to be. In this world everyone is so lusty and..touchy. So he's having alphys make her a robot form but its a little one though. She will grow but it will take a lot longer before she turns 18. He smiled once more as he gave her little pepper kisses and pulled her in to a tight hug. " you know how much i love you don't you?". Miki looked up at her caregiver and smiled back at him and nodded since she was only starting to talk. She was only 2 years of age so she was still learning to talk. But at this age humans her age should be speaking already. This did worry mettaton a small bit but once alphys explained how humans take longer to develope their speech it calmed him down a little. Miki giggled as she pulled on his hand. " come?". " hm?" " come....s..see?"

Mettaton smiled and stood to his feet while taking her small hand. She lead him to where alphys was building her robot form. Miki smiled and ran up to her. " ally!ally!". Alphys stopped and turned around facing the child. She couldn't help but smile at the childs innocence, so she paused her work for a second and knelt down to her. " hey little one. Did you find ton ton?" miki nodded and pointed at mettaton who had just walked up to them. " hello alpy". " hey mettaton how was the show?". He rolled his eyes and huffed. " same as always. I ask a question and people call just to shout out..". He looked at miki and then leaned forward to alphys. Whispering in her ear. " pervy answers". Alphys only laughed and patted miki's head. " don't worry Mettaton, she barely understands the word um...mating.".

Before mettaton could protest the front door had a hard thud on it. Miki squealed and ran for the door with mettaton following after. " miki wait for ton ton! You don't know who it-". But it was too late, miki had already opened the door and the king himself was standing right there towering over her. Stopping him in his tracks. ' oh no...the king.'.

They stared at one another for what seemed like a minute. Then miki smiled and lifted her arms up to him laughing. Asgore smiled and lifted her up on to his shoulders and walked in. Miki giggled and grabbed on to his horns for support. Mettaton shocked beyond his point sighed in relief. ' that was close.'. His thoughts stopped when asgore had come up to him. " mettaton.".
" king asgore i can explain!". Holding up his hand mettaton kept quiet. Then asgore spoke. " no need. You can keep this human, she is way too young to have her....ehem..taken from her.".  He smiled he felt the child lean over his head and tries to look in his eyes. " hehe hello little one.".

Miki played with the king for a while before he had to go back to the castle and do...things. He ruffled her hair and headed out the door leaving the small child alone again,so she decided to draw a picture. Grabbing paper, pencil and crayons that stuff and made her way over the table and began to draw her picture.

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