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after the school day ended, wheein did what she always does; walk to the bus stop.

as she was heading towards the school gates, she caught sight of a certain orange haired girl. hwasa was laughing with her group of friends.

wheein found herself mesmerized by the faint sounds of hwasa's laugh; it really sounded so beautiful. she then started to wonder what it would be like to hear her laugh at a joke she said, or even see her smile up close.

she wanted to approach her, of course, but she was scared, scared that hwasa would ingnore her, or think she wasn't worthy of her time. hwasa was beautiful and popular, she attracted people, she could easily make friends. would she really waste her time with someone like wheein?

plus, wheein and social situations, have never mixed well. most of the time she stumbled over words, or they would get muddled up inside her head and make their way out of her mouth sounding ridiculous. and she didn't exactly want to risk humiliating herself in front of the stunning girl.

wheein continued making her way to the usual spot she waited for the bus at. the lonely girl leaned against a tree in the shade, searching for her earphones in her bag. she finally found them, brows furrowed as she tried untangling them.

then, a thought struck her mind. she knew it was true, but, it still saddened her:

hwasa never noticed her.

as far as she was concerned- she was completely invisible to the beautiful girl.

snapping out her thoughts when she realized the bus was pulling up. wheein scurried towards the vehicle, but then she tripped over her own feet, resulting with her earphones flying out of her hands, and falling to the ground.

as she was about to pick them up, a hand reached for them, taking them before wheein was able to.

she looked up to see the person holding her earphones.

her heart stopped beating for a spilt second, she could feel her stomach flutter ever so slightly. it happened to be the same girl wheein has been secretly crushing on since she laid eyes on her. hwasa.

"these yours?"

her voice was sweet, but rough, the words that left her mouth sounded unreal, especially because she was talking to wheein right now.

quickly, wheein nodded her head, and reached for her earphones, gently taking them from hwasa's grasp. their skin brushed against eachothers so lightly.

wheein climbed aboard the bus and took a seat. her heart was pounding against her chest, she could feel the heat in her cheeks.

there was no doubt she was in disbelief about what happened just moments ago. as if hwasa talked to wheein- but, she did. a small smile formed across her lips.

even though the girl only said two words to her, that didn't matter, because hwasa knows wheein exists now.

as the dark haired girl went to look up, she met eyes with someone who was already staring at her. the person smiled brightly at the lonely girl, then looked away. the blush in wheein's cheeks deepened in colour, palms becoming increasingly clammy.

hwasa smiled at wheein.

everything felt like a dream, and even if it turned out that this wasn't real, wheein would still be happy.

but, this was real; this wasn't all in her head. the orange haired girl acknowledged wheein's existence and it only made her happier. she turned the volume up, letting the music drown out her cluttered thoughts. now, as she focused her gaze on the world outside of the bus window, the only thing on her mind was hwasa.

she barely knew anything about the orange haired girl, yet somehow, she had a hopeless crush on her.

lonely ; wheesaWhere stories live. Discover now