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today was going so terribly bad for jung wheein.

first, she forgot to finish her math homework, which was due today. and she knew if there was any problems involving her school work, her parents would get angry or disappointed- which wheein definitely didn't like the outcome of either.

secondly, her parents decided to leave for an unannounced business trip and left wheein all alone in the house she hated. with just her home, it always felt cold and miserable.

she, of course, was use to them being away all the time, but she hated waking up to find out that they were going to be gone for almost a month. wheein knew how to take care of herself; she could cook, clean, she had the ability to live on her own. over the years the lonely girl has had to grow up faster, she has learnt to carry more responsibility.

it doesn't change the fact that she still wished things were a little different.

wheein was sitting in the bus, resting her head uncomfortably on the window. she forgot her earphones, making this bus ride almost unbearable.

the loud laughs and yelling were all too much for her- especially at this time of the morning.

she questioned how some people could be filled with so much energy, even though the sun literally just rose.

she exaggerated her thoughts a tiny bit, but only she knew that.

suddenly, wheein felt a weight on the seat beside her. she slowly turned her head, expecting to see a person there ready to tease her, or laugh at her. although the girl wasn't one to get bullied, or even get spoken to - because she was basically invisible - it still didn't stop her from always thinking of the worst scenarios.

but, to her upmost surprise, it was the one person who made wheein feel genuine happiness, and they happened to sit next to the lonely girl.

hwasa pulled her bag onto her lap, she took out her earphones, placing one in her ear.

turning to wheein, she asked, "wanna listen?"

wheein hesitantly took the earphone out of hwasa's grasp, shyly smiling at the beautiful girl.

the song resonated through wheein's ear, instantly recognizing the tune, her eyes lit up as she turned her gaze towards the orange haired girl.

"this is my favourite song."

"no way, mine too!" hwasa grinned, and wheein swore she could fall in love with her smile.

the bus ride came to an end- all too fast for wheein's satisfactory. the two girls walked out of the yellow vehicle together.

wheein wondered why hwasa was starting to be around her more- wouldn't the girl rather be hanging out with her friends; the people who can actually talk without stuttering; the people who can make her laugh uncontrollably.

drowning in her own taunting mind, she forgot about the world around her.

and all those negative thoughts affected wheein without her even realizing.

"are you okay?"

she stopped in her tracks, looking up to hwasa. just at that moment, she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"hey- hey, talk to me. what's wrong?" hwasa brought her hand up, wiping away the stray tear.

all the emotions wheein has been feeling since this morning had finally made their presence known.

"i'm just... having a bad day, that's all." her voice was quiet. she kept her gaze on the ground. but hwasa knew she was hurting more than what she was letting on.

then, suddenly, wheein remembered her math homework. just as hwasa was about to speak, wheein blurted out: "i-i have to go to the library. i'll s-see you soon." she quickly turned on her heal, heading towards the school gates.

"wait," hwasa tugged on wheein's hand, "i'll come with you."

she didn't even stop the girl, she wanted hwasa to join her. wheein craved her, for some reason - which she definitely knew of - the orange haired girl made everything alright.

she didn't even stop her as hwasa laced their fingers together, walking towards the library.

and wheein didn't even mind the fact that she could feel her cheeks heating up, or her heart rate started to beat so fast it actually terrified her.

because she was with hwasa.

lonely ; wheesaWhere stories live. Discover now