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at the end of the school day, wheein found herself trudging along to the bus stop.

it wasn't like another other day, though, this time, she was taking her time. the dark haired girl didn't care for getting shoved, or accidentally elbowed as other people were pushing past. she didn't want to reach the bus stop, she didn't want to go home. most of all, she didn't want to leave hwasa. as the sight of the school gates came into view, wheein slowed her pace even more.

but that was until she caught glimpse of a bright-orange colour, and her feet seemed to be reacting with her heart instead of her mind- when the girl knew all too well she shouldn't be doing this. she just couldn't resist.

"hey, hwasa."

the girl spun around, causing her hair to lightly bounce against her neck. her mouth parted into a smile, eyes forming tiny creases at the side.

"i can't believe it's the end of semester already," she pouted but her eyes didn't lose its spark. "i'm really going to miss you."

wheein wanted to say you don't have to, we can catch up during the break but that wouldn't happen.

so, instead she went with saying, "i'll really miss you, too."

because at least that was the complete truth, and she hated lying and hiding away from the other girl. it was all for the best; yet it still didn't stop her from feeling like a part of her was missing something. the heavy feeling weighing over her chest seemed to get more prominent as the minutes rushed by. the emptiness subtly crept up through her veins, just waiting for her to be alone again.

wheein let out a soft sigh, looking down at the ground. her eyes managed to land on hwasa hands.

without thinking things through - even if she did, it probably would not have stopped her - she laced her fingers gently through the orange haired girl's.

hwasa turned to her. maybe because of an impulse, she said, "i like it when you hold my hand."

almost instantly, her cheeks flushed with a deep pink colour, so did wheein's.

wheein started to think, that maybe, just maybe, hwasa won't forget about her during the school break. even after it they would still be together- they would still be friends. things didn't always have to change, things could remain the same, right?

yet, the dark haired girl did want one thing to change- or actually two. she wanted her parents to let her have some freedom; allow her to have some sort of happiness into her life (hwasa).

the second thing was a bit unreachable, also probably more of a wish, and again, it was hwasa.

it wasn't a secret kept under-lock in wheein's mind, she knew very clearly that she liked hwasa. maybe even loved her. but being more than friends with the beautiful, outgoing girl, just wasn't going to happen. ever. if miraculously the girl did somehow feel the same, even in the very slightest way, towards wheein, it would probably never last long.

although, wheein's thoughts did have a habit of always focusing on the negatives, there was still that glisten of hope somewhere.

as she was standing there, holding hwasa's hand, she looked up at her and shyly smiled.

the girl noticed the other's gaze and turned to her, also returning the smile. that was the moment wheein saw it- the glisten of hope. it was in the girl's eyes; the way the afternoon sun fell over one side of her face, and the light creating a sort of glow in her eyes.

let's keep this happiness, she thought.


the girl hummed in response, not taking her attention off from the dark haired girl next to her.

"let's hang out over the break." she was a little nervous and afraid for the response, but if the so-called happiness was real, and meant for her, then she already knew the answer.

"you know what?" hwasa held wheein's hand tighter. "that sounds like a great idea."

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