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wheein sat alone in the library, hiding behind a book, in the furthest corner of the large room.

she tried so hard to keep herself distracted by her own taunting thoughts. it wasn't just about how she put her trust into someone, and how they broke it, it was way more than that now. wheein missed her parents, not because they're away on a business trip, she missed them being at home, she missed laughing with them and being one big happy family.

she missed being happy.

but, most of all, she missed having someone with her. wheein wished for someone like hwasa in her life, yet, she somehow slipped away.

that was all just a silly dream, right? an unrealistic dream; in hope to drown away from this terrifying world.

eventually, the lonely girl couldn't focus on the words on the page, every sentence turned into another meaningless story.

taking her tired eyes away from the page, she looked up, being blinded by a very familiar colour orange. it was still the same vivid, bright orange, like it had always been. it couldn't be true- wheein didn't want to let herself believe it.

hwasa was talking to the librarian. she tried averting her gaze, yet wheein couldn't bring herself to do it. she was stuck, in a dazed trance.

before she knew it, the orange haired girl turned around, eyes landing on the lonely girl. she started walking over to her.

"i've been looking for you," was the first thing that left hwasa's mouth as she approached wheein.

wheein knew it, as soon as she would hear that voice, those words, and look into hwasa's eyes, every single feeling she wanted to push away about the stunning girl, would come rushing back.

and it did.

"where were you?"

"i-i woke up late and missed the bus, i'm so sorry i wasn't there," she sat down on the carpet next to the lonely girl.

wheein couldn't take her eyes away from her, let alone mutter a word.

"forgive me?" hwasa asked.

wheein has always had trouble letting go of all the sadness and pain she felt. there was one thing she was absolutely certain about, was that she could forgive hwasa, forget about all those thoughts. at least she would try to.

the dark haired girl reached out her arm, taking hwasa's hand in her own, "i would be silly not to forgive you," she let out a sigh, "you did nothing wrong."

hwasa shifted closer to the girl, wrapping her arms around wheein, "i promise i will never leave you like that again."

the lonely girl had never believed in promises; they're just empty words that are supposed to make a person feel a spark of happiness.

however, this time, wheein felt the sincerity in her words. she felt like the promise was real.

she hugged hwasa tighter, "i believe you."

they stayed like that for a few seconds, holding one another, until they both pulled away.

the two girls stayed sitting on the floor of the library for the rest of break. then, when the bell rang, they parted ways, going to their own classes.

only until the end of the day the two were reunited again.

wheein was leaning against the usual tall tree, being protected from the warm sun under the shade. she mindlessly looked around, then her eyes spotted the girl who she was hoping to see.

"class was so boring, i wish you were there with me," hwasa said as she approached the girl, bottom lip slightly pouted.

the lonely girl smiled, "me too."

the bus arrived, the two girls sat next to each other once again.

hwasa mainly rambled on about random things. but that didn't matter, because wheein was incredibly absorbed in every word she spoke- she loved the sound of her soothing voice, the way her lips curved, the way her eyes lit up when she started talking about something she was passionate about. to wheein, everything about her was always so beautiful. she found herself falling for the girl even more.

she regretted her thoughts; the way she wanted to force herself to forget the other girl, and how she felt like she deserved to be left alone.

because she knew now, that being alone wasn't want she needed.

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