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they were only about half way through the movie when wheein started to feel her eyelids getting heavier.

in attempt to stay awake, she focused her gaze to the window. the sun started to set behind the trees and mountains, causing the sky to be painted in a deep red and pink colour. the dim lighting made its way through the crack of the curtains in hwasa's room, dusting the walls in a subtle tinge of orange.

wheein wasn't even paying attention to the movie anymore, she started to admire the way the light cast over hwasa's features, making her seem even more ethereal.

"you aren't even watching the movie."

hwasa speaking caught her off guard. her gaze wasn't even facing wheein, yet, she knew the girl was staring.

she then turned her head towards wheein and asked, "why are you looking at me like that?"

so many reasons ran through wheein's mind. the orange haired girl was beautiful in every way possible; but right now she knew the sole reason why she was staring at the girl.

and before she could even stop the words from falling out of her mouth, she said, "the sunlight on your face makes you look really pretty."

silence filled the room for a few seconds, causing the anxiety inside of wheein to build up- she shouldn't of said that. the dead quiet only made her want to run away and never blurt out another word.

to her surprise, wheein could see the corners of hwasa's lips tug upwards, and the tinge of pinkness on the girl's cheeks didn't go unnoticed.

"stop staring at me and let's keep watching the movie," hwasa coyly smiled, turning all of her attention to the screen in front of the two.

wheein shifted her body, trying to make herself more comfortable, and continued to watch the film playing.

by now the sun has set, and the room was covered in darkness; this only made wheein more tired. she wanted to sleep, and waist away her lonely days. but something about being in hwasa's presence made her want to stay awake forever. it made her want to stay right there, beside the orange haired girl.

the rolling credits displayed on screen. hwasa closed the laptop lid, then switched on the lamp.

wheein didn't even realize in the time between the movie ending, and hwasa shutting down the device, her eyes closed and she was on the verge of falling asleep.

"wheein?" hwasa gently moved hair out of the other's face, looking down at the peaceful girl.

her eyes fluttered open, the slowly sat upright, leaning against the headboard, "i-i should probably go home now."

hwasa watched as the tired girl rubbed her eyes, and stretched out her arms. she seemed so at ease and tranquil in this moment; not her usual anxious, sad self. the orange haired girl liked the side of her.

wheein stood up from bed, walking over to her bag and swinging it over her shoulder.

hwasa also got up from the cozy mattress, she smiled at the still dazed girl, "i'll walk you home."

"y-you don't have to-"

"i want to," she reached out and tugged on wheein's sleeve, pulling her closer, "it's dark out and i'm not going to let you walk alone."

wheein didn't even protest, she allowed hwasa to walk her. she always managed to find comfort in the orange haired girl. she wouldn't admit it, but she was terrified of being alone. so having the company helped with her dreary mood. the fact it also happened to be hwasa, made her completely forget about the empty feeling inside.

the two walked along the deserted path. the streetlights were the only source that made it able for them to see in the dark of the night.

now, thirty minutes later, the two girls were standing in front of wheein's house. without hesitation, the lonely girl brought the other into her arms, "thank you for everything."

the girl only held her tighter, "it's no problem. see you on monday?" wheein could hear the hope her voice held.

she pulled away from the hug and gave the girl a smile, "of course." after saying that, the dark haired girl started walking away towards the front door.

as she unlocked the door, she turned around one last time, giving a small wave to the beautiful girl.

"sleep well!" hwasa called out from the sidewalk. then turning on her heal, she travelled back down that lonely path to her home.

wheein watched as her figure become just another blurry part of the distance.

she smiled, letting out a breath of air, "you too."

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