Chapter 15 - Ale vs. Fer

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Fer's face brightens every time we talk about his TV show. I've even watched past episodes to keep him engaged. It's kind of cute how proud he looks when I tell him how much I enjoy it. My intention is to show him that people can be interested in him without wanting anything back. He is warming up to the idea.

Other than that he doesn't share much about his private life. He even seems shy at times. I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't have much going on besides working and raising his son. It's making me wonder if his rough attitude is only a facade.

Last Saturday, we had a good evening at Shall We Dance. Fer did a great performance; although I could feel his hand shaking in mine while we danced. We got a fair score and the judges complimented Fer for improving on the feedback of the previous week.

He was on a happy high when we returned to the green room and asked me if I wanted to come to his show. His face was full of hope and there was even a twinkle on his beautiful eyes. I couldn't say no. I got a taste of the whole behind-the-scenes at a TV studio with the show and I would love to see how it works in a different format.

We spent the rest of this week perfecting his cha-cha and made a start on the rumba. I wish that dance went as well as the previous two. Fer finds the rumba tempo slow and difficult, and has complained about my song choice several times. At least this time he didn't leave me with blue toes. I've also never heard such a rich vocabulary in foul words at every mistake he's made.

Still, I'm looking forward to the dance show tomorrow and for the audience to see that Fer has spice in him while dancing a cha-cha. But tonight it's all about Ale vs. Fer.

The invitation to their show was also extended to my siblings, but only Cadence could come as Maurice couldn't find someone to cover his shift at the pizzeria. One of my advanced students who's been helping me often since the dance show started will take care of my dance lesson tonight.

"I forgot to tell you," I tell Cadence as we step out of the car. "Yesterday I had to go to Gaspard after my session with Fer. I needed new fishnets and you know he sells the best. He got excited when he saw me."

"Excitement? I didn't know he was capable of feeling that."

"Well, he kept calling me cherie the whole time. Apparently, it helps to appear on a TV show for him to tolerate someone," I laugh.

"He has probably told everyone that he sold you the dance shoes you wear on the show."

"He did! People came to the shop and he started calling their atttention to me. He said: 'this is Madison Turner from Shall We Dance. She is my number one customer'. It was a bit embarrassing, but I must admit I enjoyed the attention. People asked me to sign stuff for them. That's crazy! To think that Fer and Ale go through that all the time."

"I know! Ale told me how he got mobbed a few days ago by a bunch of elderly ladies when he went for ice cream with his nephew. One of them pinched his butt."

We laugh at the uncomfortable incident as we give our names to the security guard at the reception.


We turn to see Ale grinning while walking towards us. We get cleared to enter the studios, and greet him with a hug.

"So nice to have you both here," he says as he hugs Cadence, and it lasts a bit longer than necessary. "It's going to be a fun show. I have the feeling I will win today."

"Do you have a nasty loser tub?" I ask.

"Probably. That is unfortunately the only part of the show we don't know in advance," he grimaces.

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