Lucifer's Girlfriend

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I decided that I would walk around the festival a couple of times before I left. I don't know if was to look for Michael or to clear my head. It was most likely the first one.

Everything that Miss Lillie said seemed to really be bothering me. First of all, there was no way that my parents would of ever made a deal with anyone especially an evil force. I mean seriously. They were so dedicated to God that even the slightest thing would set them off if they thought it offended the words in the Bible in any way.

Secondly, how in the world would I have the same mark as the killer on my left arm? Why would he mark me? Why does this 'mark' on my arm mean that I am bound to him? I mean come on, let's be reasonable about this. A killer marking a little girl after he killed her parents? How is that even possible? No, the better question is what kind of sick killer kills the parents of a child and then leaves the child with his mark? Besides, who decides to kill a child, but instead decides to kill the parents, but before he kills the parents he promises to take care of the person he was meant to kill in the first place? It just doesn't make sense.

But the thing that really, really, really bothered me is the last bit that she said: the one about the stranger. It is evident who she is talking about: Lucifer. I mean, you would have to be completely blind in order to not see that Lucifer gets under my skin more than anyone I have ever met in my life. But the part about if I have met him before? That was really bothering. The only thing that seems to strike any kind of memory is his eyes. Before I met him, every time I would dream at night, those eyes would be the only thing that I would remember in the morning. I would always wake up, knowing that I dreamt about the guy with the electric blue eyes. Now I know where I have seen them from. Lucifer was there when my parents was killed. Raven, seriously. That is crazy. Think about it. You were six when your parents died. If Lucifer happened to there then he would not be in high school. That was eleven years ago. He would have to be at least no younger than 25.

I shook my head and laughed. I sounded crazy. Miss Lillie sounded crazy. I mean it is Friday the 13th, after all. Besides, Raven, you don't believe in anything but science. Remember?

But what about what Miss Lillie said about how I will be faced with an event that no one but this 'stranger' can help me with. There was no way in Hell that I would trust Lucifer to help me with anything.

Then, there was the last thing that Miss Lillie had told me before I walked away. 'Even the Darkness will crave the Light.' What is she talking about? What Darkness? How could darkness crave something when it is not even alive? Seriously-

I suddenly run into someone with such force that I find myself, once again, on the ground. It is not until that person speaks, that it registers. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. The famous Raven Hunter. Who would've guessed that she would be falling for me. Literally." snickered Lucifer. He bent down and offered me his hand.

"What," I clench my teeth, smacking his hand away, "are you doing here?" Is this guy following me?

"Well, you see, I was just leaving. And it looks like you were too."

"What?" I look around and notice that I am in the parking lot. How the heck did I get here? I think to myself. You idiot. You walked here. Duh! Folding my arms in front of my chest, I ask, "So what? Is it any of your concern? No. So I would appreciate it, if you would butt out of my business and kindly refrain from stating the obvious."

Smirking, Lucifer replied, "Sure thing, Charity." He laughed. "Do you have a ride home or are you going to hitch a ride?"

Gritting my teeth, I respond, "It is just Raven now, and I have a ride home." And like an idiot I pulled out twenty dollars and waved it in his face. Oh great! Now he is going to kill me!

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