Chapter 7

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   Once Rosaii and her friends landed back on Earth, everything seemed different. It wasn't foreboding anymore, now that she was with her friends. In fact, they seemed a lot less stressed. Rosaii guessed that flying just had that kind of effect. However, a question kept knocking at Rosaii's mind. Where was Kifu? She looked to the other elementals, who didn't seem concerned whatsoever. Maybe they were glad she was gone. 

   "Are you okay?" Flint asked, startling Rosaii.

   "What?" Rosaii asked, her gaze turning toward Flint.

   "You seem distracted. Or upset. I can't tell. Whatever. Just tell me what's wrong."

   "I just keep on thinking where Kifu is." Rosaii wrapped her arms around herself, looking up at Flint. His expression turned from bubbly to concerned in a millisecond.

   "Oh my god." Flint grabbed Dax's arm and whispered something to him. Dax's eyes widened as he whispered back to Flint, who then whispered to Veata. Veata didn't seem to care, so she walked up to Rosaii. 

   "Do you know where she is?" Rosaii asked Veata, her arms still tightly gripping her stomach. 

   "No, Rose, I don't. I honestly don't care. Good riddance!" Veata laughed, fixing her hair. Dax grabbed her hand and pulled her into the discussion between him and Flint. All of them, with the exception of Veata, seemed genuinely concerned. They were whispering inaudibly when Rosaii heard a rustle in the bushes. 

   "Guys," Rosaii said, her stare still on the bushes. The trio continued whispering. "Guys," Rosaii repeated, louder. "Guys!" She shouted, backing away from the bushes. The trio looked over to Rosaii, who was now digging through the bushes. "No!" Flint shouted, pulling her back. He grabbed her shoulders and stared her in the eyes. "You can't do that. There might be w-"  Flint was cut off by a neighing sound coming from the bushes. Rosaii pulled herself out of Flint's tight grip and hustled toward the bushes. She ripped open the bushes, only to reveal a Pegasus trying to stand up correctly. It fell down and rested its head on its hooves, air escaping its snout. 

   Rosaii ran into the bushes, falling onto her knees as she looked, horrified, at the dying creature. She picked up its wing, and it neighed quietly while looking up at her. Flint came crashing through the bushes, stopping when he saw the Pegasus. Rosaii looked up to him, her eyes stained with tears. 

   "I don't know what to do," she choked out, wiping her eyes. Flint sat next to her, inspecting the creature.

   "You're the animal elemental, correct?" Flint asked, looking up to Rosaii.


   "Then heal it. Just touch it, close your eyes, and think about healing it."

   Rosaii closed her eyes, pressing her hand to the Pegasus' side. She thought about it prancing around happily, licking  her hand as it approached. . "I'll call you... Phillip." Rosaii smiled as she hopped onto the Pegasus. 

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