Chapter 11

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   Rosaii was staring at the scene before her when she reluctantly left Phil's body and ran to Flint. His hand clutched the stab wound on his chest and screamed, his face a dark shade of red.

   "Flint!" Veata flew to Flint and picked up his body, screaming for help.

   "Stop! Nobody is here! You'll wake him up and pain him more. We need to find a doctor." Everyone turned toward Dax(with the exception of Flint), confused. His voice was muffled and scratchy, almost as if he'd been... crying. Veata had told Rosaii that Dax seemed completely incapable of feelings, and she therefore assumed that Dax crying was a rare sight. He was kneeling beside Kifu's lifeless body, her head resting on his lap. He got up as he watched her body disintegrate and fly away with the wind, her voice softly grasping his chin as she left for good. 

   "Oh, stop pouting, fools. It was Flint's fault, and he's going to die, I can assure you. He has no help, you're in the middle of nowhere, and you somehow got on the elemental of death's nerves. Go." Zlo turned around and began walking into the grand corridor, her dress grazing the hinges of the large, wooden doors. Rosaii watched Flint as his eyes opened, allowing the tiniest amount of the world into his sight.

   "D-Doctor," Flint stuttered, looking up at Rosaii, then at Veata. "I need a doctor before I d-disintegrate." Veata clamped her hand over her mouth when she heard the word, as if it were a monster, a monster called depression. Purple tears rolled down her face, landing on Flint.

   "That's disgusting," Flint laughed, then coughing violently. "Rose, aren't you good at healing? You did heal-" Flint coughed again, blood leaking out of his mouth. "Phil. Heal him. Phil will be capable of healing me." Flint finished his sentence just as his eyes closed again, his breathing shortening and intensifying. He sounded as if air were just above his reach. Rosaii jumped up and ran to Phil, whom was surrounded by a quantity of large, yellow, glowing butterflies. She walked in between them, to Phil, and hugged him. 

   She cried as she, again, imagined Phil prancing around a field, chasing butterflies, befriending other animals. She felt as if she weren't part of the real world anymore. She got up in the imagined world, and she walked toward Phil. He noticed her and backed away, neighing intensely. Rosaii was confused. She turned around to see a multitude of roses growing behind her, wrapping themselves around her feet. She felt one thorn impale her ankle, then another on on the bottom of her foot. She was distracted, trying to untangle these thorns. She didn't notice the creeping roses strangling her until she realized that her feet were numb. She turned toward Phil, painfully, and saw the world differently. The sky was a deep gray, and flies were abundant. Phil's body lay lifeless in what she thought was a field made of dead grass. Flies were surrounding him, and vultures were pecking at his flesh. 

   Rosaii screamed and was back in the real world, sweat rolling off of her and onto Phil. She looked at him, again, and saw he wasn't better like last time. Now, he was completely black. His wings were laced with black feathers, all of which were definite copies of each other. She grasped a wing and cried, her hands covering her face. Tears escaped the minuscule holes she'd created underneath her hands. Veata was behind her in an instant, hugging her and reassuring her.

   "WOAH!" Veata jumped back from Rosaii, falling onto Dax. Rosaii cried more, hugging Phil's neck. She was beginning to stop crying when she felt a tongue wipe away her tears. She opened her eyes and saw Phil standing, alive. She shrieked and hooked her arms onto Phil's neck, his nose flaring intensely as she hugged him, tighter than ever.

   "Rosaii, don't mean to interrupt, but one of our friends here seems to be dying." Dax's voice reached out and grabbed Rosaii without warning. She jumped at it and whispered a muffled, "Right." She led Phil to Flint, whom was still in the same position. Phil's nose grazed Flint's black hair, and Veata grabbed everyone's hand and led them away from the sight. Rosaii's mind bustled with thoughts as she was led into a small cave that would shield them from the elements- and elementals.

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