Chapter 10

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   Flint eventually came back to the castle, and sat by the door.   

   Rosaii sat by him, guilty, and started to fall asleep. Suddenly, she woke up and screamed, "OHMYGOD! PHIL! WE FORGOT ABOUT PHIL!"

   "What?" Flint asked, looking up. The other elementals turned towards her, shocked.

   "Phil! We forgot about Phil!" Everyone's eyes widened as the four elementals sat up and ran to the veterinary wing of the castle. It suddenly looked gloomy, and the feeling of death and grief loomed in the air. All four of them banged on the castle doors, when a security guard dressed in full black opened the doors. A serious expression was painted on his face as he watched the elementals fall onto each other.

   "May I assist you, children?" He asked, his hands at his sides. He looked straight, not even looking down at them. This gave Rosaii a weird feeling, but she shook it off.

   "Yes! O-Our Pegasus! Phil! We left him with the vet!" Veata shrieked, grabbing the guard's arm desperately. He shook her off and flashed a red light into a hall repeatedly. Zlo ran out, stopping and walking elegantly when she saw Flint.

   "Zyler, you seem to have requested my presence with a red flasher. What seems to be the issue?" Princess Zlo held her hands together behind her back, a devious smile on her face.

   "Zlo, please. I'm-" Flint was cut off by a hand across his face, Zlo's. "I don't care, Flint. I'm not here to hear your poorly crafted excuses for your companion's behaviors. What is the issue?" Zlo rested her hand on her hip, her smile torn away from her.

   "Listen, Zlo. We're sorry, but we're not here for that. We came here in the first place for our Pegasus to be tested for any harmful bacteria growth, but we left him here. We want him back." Veata desperately looked up at Zlo, who was smiling again. She laughed humorlessly. "He's dead." Rosaii jumped forward, but Flint and Dax held her back. Phil's dead body was tossed onto the bridge they stood on, and Kifu walked out from behind Zlo. She hooked arms with her. 

   "Kifu! How could you?" Dax looked her in the eyes, his own threatening to burst out in tears. Rosaii was on the floor, crying, hugging Phil's body. She inspected him, and found a black knife wedged in his ribs. "No, Phil, I only met you today. Please, for me.." Rosaii was sobbing onto his fur, hugging his lifeless body to her. 

~+~ Flint's Point of View~+~

   I saw Rosaii on the floor, hugging Phil. It wasn't supposed to be like this, this wasn't how it was supposed to play out. Kifu betrayed us, she killed one of our friends. One of Rosaii's first impressions of this galaxy, one of her first views of life in this area. And the girl I loved killed her Pegasus. I couldn't hold back anymore. I don't know exactly what happened, all I remember is having the feeling of not being in my body. I watched myself as I pounced onto Kifu, changing. I wasn't supposed to change in front of other elementals, but I watched it. I watched it all. My skin painfully morphed to fur, my spine and bones shrinking and forming a wolf's skeleton. Fire adorned the tip of my fur as I landed on her, snarling. I could hear Rosaii's screams of protest but I blocked it out. I didn't care anymore, I couldn't stop being who I wasn't.

   Kifu pulled out a pocket knife and rolled on top of me, jabbing it into my skin. I didn't care, I snapped at her face and took dominant position again, my claws piercing her flesh. With a loud shriek from Kifu, I dug my teeth into the side of her neck. She stopped struggling. She was lifeless. I remember screaming at my self, telling me to stop, but I didn't listen. I morphed into human form, only then noticing the bloody stab wound on my chest. I fell to my knees with a yelp, and that's all I remember before I blacked out.

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