MakE soME noiSe

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The Doctor wiped the last of the paint off effortlessly, smiling at his handy work. The tardis looked good as new. The Doctor smiled as he looked over his handy work. He stepped out of the tub, he found himself standing in a rather large puddle of water.

"Oh dear..." He muttered, rising to his toes to carefully cross the floor. "Frankie, where do you keep your towels?" He called out as he slowly made his way to the hallway.

He frowned at the lack of response, but assumed Frank just hadn't heard him. When he made it to the hall, he looked in each direction with curiosity.

"Frankie, where'd you go?" He asked, feeling himself begin to walk down the hall towards the end that opened up into a living room and kitchen, apparently.

There was no one there and nothing seemed out of place, except for a broken down frame on the kitchen counter. The Doctor walked over to it, stopping when he felt something other than carpet under his foot. He looked down to see a photo, slightly bent now that the Doctor had stepped on it.

When the time lord bent down to pick it up, he saw a small boy with dark hair grinning at the camera while sitting on the ground, holding a gray furred dog against his side. The Doctor smiled, recognizing the boy he knew as an adult now. This must of been the photo Frank had wanted... But why was it so carelessly on the ground?

"Frank?" The Doctor's head snapped up as he looked around the empty room. "Frank, where are you?"

There was still no response.

The Doctor looked down again. In the carpet he could see his own foot trail, due to the water, as well as Frank's. However, there were two more sets of footprints.

"FRANK!" The Doctor yelled, running back towards the hallway. He ran to the other end of the house, which only held a hall closet and Frank's bedroom. Unfortunately, neither one held the human the Doctor was looking for.

The Doctor ran back into the living room, looking around frantically. "Not good, definitely not good..." He sped through his words, looking at the floor. The carpet held the footprints well, which left the Doctor with a sinking feeling in his stomach. There were no footprints near the door at all. The two unknown sets of prints almost seemed to start right in the middle of the floor.

"Energy, the residual time energy." The Doctor muttered to himself while nodding, "Just need the last thing he touch-the photo. I have the photo."

The Doctor ran back to Frank's bathroom, this time not caring if he went straight through the puddles of water on the floor. He pushed the door of his ship open and nearly flew up the staircase.

Although his tardis was an older model, he always had a few companions that liked to tinker with what it had. Type 40 tardis' didn't come equipt with time trackers but, usually, they didn't have a Jack Harkness or River Song onboard. Both had added to the piece of technology that was just under the control panel to perfect it, seeing how somehow neither was on the tardis at the same time.

The Doctor's fingers fumbled as he tried to find the small button that would open the tracking compartment. He let out a loud cry of success as he finally found it. He hurriedly, but carefully, placed Frank's photo in the small compartment.

"Alright, old girl. Take me where I need to go to get him back." The Doctor said as he slid the compartment back into its place. "Please work..." He added with a soft whisper as the sound of the tardis sprang to life.


Frank was just out of the reach of consciousness when he heard the voices. He could also hear the hum of a vehicle driving along a road.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now