Stupid Library, Stupid Malfoy (Part 3)

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I woke with a start and looked at the clock I was late for class, great! I looked across the room to find my best friend still curled up in her blankets, ice cream tubs from last night littered the floor between our beds. Well surely McGonagall wouldn't mind me taking one day off to comfort my best friend, I mean, I am ahead of most of my classes anyway. 

I changed into my Weasley jumper and a pair of washed out jeans, slipping on my combat boots I made my way through the common room and towards the kitchens. Time to take advantage of knowing where the kitchens are. 


Throwing another grape into the air, I attempted to catch it, yet once again it bounced off my eye. This resulted in a mass of giggles from my best friend. 

Huffing, I shoved the grape into my mouth. Suddenly a gasp came from the red head at the end of my bed.

"Georgia? you ok?" She looked at me wide eyed.

"Rose, I think you're forgetting something." Huh? What in Merlin's beard is she talking about. 

"Don't you have a secret admirer to meet like right now, in the library?" 

My eyes widened and I squeaked, running a brush through my hair and rushing off towards the library. 

When I got there I pushed the door open with so much force that it slammed against the wall earning a deadly glare from madame pince. 

I cringed and apologised in a whisper. Scanning the room I couldn't find anyone that I recognised from my year or from any year for that matter. Maybe it was just something to wind me up, like I haven't had that before. I mean I'm not the most desirable girl in our year. 

Well, seen as I'm in the library might as well get some work done. Grabbing the spare parchment and quills off the front desk, I went trough grabbing herbology books. 

After half hour of herbology notes I walked to my favourite section of the library, the charms section. Where to my surprise I found a bunch of lemon and tiger lilies. My favourite flowers and tied around it hung a small glowing piece of parchment. 


I knew you would take advantage of the library and I'm glad you did.

I know how much you love these flowers and I knew I wouldn't be able to tell you how I felt straight away so I gave myself time. 

Follow the glowing parchment petals and find me where your heart lies. 


I glanced up to find glowing all around me that lead to a small trail down the isle, I really hope it was worth wasting all this good parchment. I followed the trail until it lead to a small opening where tons of lilies lay in a perfect heart shape.

I looked around but no one was there. Then giggling came from a small curtain I hadn't noticed, it must have been to block off the joining aisle. Curiosity got the better of me. Pulling it back I saw something that shattered my heart, in such and unexpected way.


There he stood arms wrapped around and lips attacking a smaller brunette girl. They both froze and whipped round. 


"Rose, I can explain really I can, I mean... I didn't think you would turn up."

Wait, it was Scorp all this time.  

"No need to explain to me, but your best friend and my cousin might want to know why you betrayed him like that."

With that I ran from the library unexpected tears springing from my eyes. Why did that hurt so much, I didn't even like him. He's my best friend, Or at least he was?

Well I suck at this writing thing but oh well.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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