The Sorting Ceremony

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If your still reading this thanks so much and obviously you thought it was worth the wait so disclaimer of course only theidea isreally mine and some additional characters.


Jumping of the train I looked around astounded at the sheer size of it all, it put a sparkle in the eyes of everyone around . A booming voice came from by the lake snapping me out of my thought train, it called again. 

 "Firs' yr's over 'ere" Realizing who it was me and Al began to wave earning a wide my smile from the half giant. "HAGRID!"

 Chuckling he pulled us into a bone crushing hug. 

 "How ar' ya rose, albus, 'avent seen ya brother 'av ya?" 

 Struggling out of his grip al started to explain when he was cut short by a cough. Then it struck me we had just left scorpius and aden. Stepping aside i introduced them to hagrid. 

 "Oh... Hagrid these are our friends Scorpius and Aden."

 He gave them a smile barely visible beneath his beard and they returned.

Everybody's attention then diverted to the many boats that had just appeared on the waters surface. Hagrid began to address the first years again ordering them into the boats. With one final wave he stepped in tho the first boat a much larger one.I put my arms around Scorpius and Al my finger tips just reaching Adens shoulder.

 "C'mon boys lets go to school."

 Dragging them along we jumped into the nearest boat and were soon joined by family friends lorcan and lysander.

Its was a pretty calm ride full of OO's and AH'. A boy i know to be Frank Longbottom nearly getting thrown of the boat as it came to a stop.When we got to the castle doors my nerves got worse. Al obviously noticing put his arm around me and gave my shoulders a squeeze. 

Although i think its him that needs the comforting. We all walked through the castle and made our way to the doors of the great hall where we were greeted by Professor Longbottom.

 "Welcome first years, the sorting ceremony will begin soon, but for now can you please follow me." Professor Longbottom lead us to a small room just of the great hall.

 When he left the room frantic whispering broke out about the ceremony. Turning around to my friends from the train i noticed that scorpius was even paler than he was before, if that's even possible. 

 "Scorpius are you OK?" Trying to mask my own fear i smiled and he smiled back.

 "Yeah just a bit nervous, that's all." Nodding in understanding i turned back to the front just in time to realize that everyone was making there way out the room.

 Standing outside the great hall i began to shake and earned a small squeeze from Scorpius. Here i go!

The doors swung open nearly hitting a small blonde girl. she stumbled back and fell straight on top of Al and Aden. She stood back up blushing a fuchsia pink apologizing at rapid speed.It took nearly all my energy to stop myself from laughing and by the looks of it so did Scorpius. We all started shuffling through the the doors. When i stepped through i couldn't help but gasp at the look of the magical dining hall. 

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