Here We Go

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Disclaimer: anything you recognise I don't own that's all down to the lovely j.k Rowling.

This is my first fanfic so sorry if its rubbish

OK on with the story...enjoy!


According to my mum not everything's a mistake, but right now that's all I can think of: I was a mistake (Hugo was planned); getting into a muggle school was a mistake, my mum thought she was signing up for a test (and she supposed to be the brightest witch of her age); even finding I was magic was a mistake which included many muggle teachers and kids having there memory erased after I 'accidentally' gave Josh  Wiggins a pigs tail,oops!

Well now here I am platform 9 3\4 about to board the Hogwarts express. 

Again another mistake , I fell into the barrier running  from my annoying cousin Albus , uncle Harry found this funny  as a matter of fact so did Al. Sometimes its scary how much they are alike. 

The same messy jet black hair, the same piercingly bright green eyes and to Al's discomfort the same glasses. You should of seen his face when he found out he had to have glasses. The only noticeable difference is Al's absence of the famous lightning bolt scar.  

Standing outside the crimson train I spot a family all with very blond hair. The young boy turned around and stared straight at me, he can't be older than me. Then he smirks I mean who does he think he is the minister of magic , I was in my right mind to go and slap the smirk of his bloody aristocratic looking face.

Apparently my dearest father had been talking to me during this silent exchange , something about disinheriting me if I didn't get into Gryffindor, Lilly and Hugo found this hilarious and James took this as his chance to scare Al for the 100th time today about being in Slytherin. This of course was a cue for the women of the family to strike, both my mum and aunt Ginny scolded my father and cousin.

 But my dad wasn't listening its seems he to had noticed the blond family. Now looking the boy looks a lot like his father. That's when I heard my father hiss under his breath

"so that's little Scorpius"

that's a strange name has a nice ring to it. But I was soon snapped out of that when my dad take me by the shoulders and says in a very serious tone 

"make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank got you inherited your mother's brains." 

Cringing at the use of my family nickname I look to my mum for assistance and she had a stern look on her face, but a ghost of a smile was visible upon her lips. 

"Ron for heavens sake don't turn them against each other before they've even started school !" 

A small giggle escaped her lips oh yeah great help mum! 

Dad agreed with a laugh. "your right 'mione sorry,"

but he wasn't finished oh no he just had to add .

"don't get to friendly with him though , Rosie. Grandad weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure blood."

This of course causing me to blush,a deep red, curse my weasley genes. Aunt Ginny obviously noticing my discomfort suggest it time to board the train. Saying my farewells I tried to look sad for leaving my parents. Boarding the train I heard Lil and Hu begin a heated conversation about how unfair it was that they had to wait to board with us. After waving my final goodbyes as the train left the station I started to look for an empty compartment Al close behind.

After ten minutes of searching I found a compartment although it wasn't completely empty, It held two of what I guessed to be fellow first years. One that blond boy from the platform, ughwhatwashisname?, I'll just ask and another boy the complete opposite. Dark hair, dark eyes,tanned skin. Now all I have to to is convince Al to accompany me.(great)

"Hey All?"
He swung round on me, a smirk on his face obviously amused that I had sung that sentence.
"Yes Rosie?"
Knowing it has angered me he begins to laugh.
"Don't. call. me. that!!"
Hitting him with my free hand after every word he finally gives in.
"Fine I won't call it you again!"
Yay! I always win!
"Anyway I found us a compartment c'mon."

Dragging him up to the door, I slid it open immediately ceasing the boys conversation. They both looked at me puzzled , I felt a blush creep up my cheeks then a shove come from behind.
"Hurry up James' coming this way!"
Great,justgreat. Then in a sort of squeak I asked.
"Do you mind if we come in everywhere else is full?"
They exchanged glances then nodded. The rest of the ride was filled with easy,comfortable conversations, starting of course with houses. Apparently me and Scorpius (the blond) wanted to be either ravenclaw or gryffindor, Al of course wanted to be a gryffindor and the other boy, now with the name of Aden Zabini wanted to be a Slytherin after his father. This could be the start of a great friendship.

Thanks for reading the next part should be up next week maybe but until then avoir! :-)

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