Chapter 12

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10th of June,150 days til the election

'And the star-sprangled banner in triumph shall wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.'

When the music stops, a man in a uniform says:

'In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost, I bless you. May your soul rest in peace.'


A few days before

8th of June,153 days til the election

Flashing lights.

Red, blue, red, blue. Red, blue, red.

Stars, streetlights and sirens.

The lights reflect on the crowds gathered on the street, they highlight the concern, disbelief and shock on their faces.

A lot of reporters, journalists and cameras are surrounding the scene, hold back by cordon tape.

'While the colors of the American flag light the streets, American democracy is experiencing its darkest hour since 1963.'

'Presidential candidate for the democratic party, Marley Adams, has been shot during a press conference. We still do not have any information about her present condition.'


David P.O.V

The light of a day of hope has turned into the darkness of a night of desperation.

Only a few hours ago the future was bright. Now it's just as dark as the sky on a moonless night.

Do I even have a future? If mom doesn't survive this, all my expectations...

No, David, no.

You don't even know what she is like right now. All you know is that she is hit but not where or how many times, it might not even be that bad.

But then I realize, someone put a fucking bullet in her! It can't fucking be allright.

Jesus christ.

God help her.

I love her too much.

I see a lot of people pacing down the hospital corridor, nurses and doctors in white clothes.

Security has blocked the end of the corridor, so noone can get to us or mom for that matter.

I look next to me, Greg has fallen asleep.

No wonder, it's been a tiring day for him.

First a flight of a few hours, then you hear there has been a assassination attempt on your mother, which might still be successful.

A lot of emotions, which will make you tired. I'm absolutely nackered myself, but I can't sleep, not as long I don't know how my mom is.

I see my dad in standing in front of the window. I only see his back so I can't see his face, but know he's crying.

The quiet sobbing is quite heartbreaking.

I stand up to stand next to him. He is watching into the dark night, even more journalists are standing in front of the hospital.

I see flowers and candles behind them is a crowd of supporters and journalists.

When dad sees I'm joining him he tries to stop sobbing, but it's useless. He can't stop.

I'm not crying but it's not far away. I hug him trying to comfort and share our sadness.

We stand like that for a while, I'm not actually sure how long. But it's nice, comforting.

At least we have each other in this cold, white and colorless hospital. The lights are dimmed and everyone who can is asleep. The smell is awful as well. The place has such a damn ghostly feel about it.

It's not making me any less sad or tired.

The guard is being changed I see, as well as reinforced. Strangely it actually gives me a unsafe feeling.

They are clearly not sure we're safe now.

I could have been next to mom, you know. I did not realize yet, I have been on a stage. There could have been a bullet in me..

Thinking this a cold shiver passes through my body. Dad notices, he holds me tighter.

Then I see, over dad's shoulder, Gerald walking up the corridor, next to him a doctor. Dad and me quickly release each other, realizing they have news for us.

The only thing we know right now is that she was not conscious in the ambulance.

I try to catch a positive look on their faces, they are concerned.

'Mr Adams, Mr.' The doctor says.

'I have good news for you, the bullet hit nothing important only her shoulder. A soldier jumped in front of her.

She is conscious now, she has had a shock, but she is stable. You can visit her in a moment.'

The relief I'm feeling is overwhelming. Thank the Lord, o my God what a night. Within a few seconds my dad and me are hugging each other again, both enormously relieved.

After that, the doctor says:

'I do have some bad news, the soldier who saved her hasn't made it to the hospital. He died on the spot, before we could get to him.'

After the light returned, the world has gone dark again. She would have been dead if this guy didn't sacrifice himself. O my God, how can we even thank him, his poor family.

We will have to thank them and help them build a new life without him. I think we will have to attend his funeral.

While all these thoughts race through my brain Gerald continues:

'We are not sure how this could have happened. The safety department has found the person who did this. Right now he is being chased by the police on the highway, they have good hopes he will be caught.'

It's a lot of information to take in on this night. It has been a long, scary and emotional, if feel my eyes get heavy and all I want right now is sleep.


Heey everyone, very sorry for the late update! Hope you like it, please vote,comment and share it!

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