Pt 1

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two months later

"Peter, how come we can never hang out? You never have time for me!" Gwen sighed through the phone. "It's like we're in a long-distance relationship, all we ever do is talk on the phone or at school." Peter rubbed the back of his head and walked over to his bedroom window and peered out, watching the sun get ready to set over his beautiful, hopeless city-Spider-Man's beautiful, hopeless city.

"I'm sorry, I've just been really busy with...homework and Aunt May's been needing my undivided attention since Uncle Ben isn't around anymore and-"

"It's fine, Peter, just don't bail on me when Christmas comes around. Remember you were gonna bring Aunt May over to my house so you can finally meet my parents and I can finally meet her?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Peter smiled even though he knew she couldn't see him. Gwen chuckled as he opened his window and leaned his elbows on the windowsill. He heard a door open and a man's voice on the other line.

"Sorry, but Gwen has to go now." A man said into Gwen's phone. Peter heard the phone shuffle around a bit before the line disconnected. His first feeling was confusion. Who was that guy? He knew what Captain Stacy's voice sounded like and that voice wasn't his. Peter was thrown into panic, he grabbed his backpack and rushed downstairs, slipping out the front door without so much as opening it a fourth of the way.

He decided against putting on his mask or stripping down to his suit so he wouldn't arouse suspicions from the neighbors. What would they think if they saw Spider-Man leaving the quiet and shy household of May and Peter Parker?

Peter fleeted up the wall of a nearby building and ran along the top of it, his footfalls silent. He shot a string of web at the building diagonal from his current position and swung down over the silent street, reaching the other side. He kept this up, remembering exactly where the Stacy penthouse was located from a previous visit for a study date with Gwen.

Despite the clammy weather, sweat made his baggy clothes cling to his skin as he reached Gwen's window. Peter made sure to land softly as not to make whoever or whatever that took over Gwen's phone on the alert. White blinds covering the window blocked Peter from seeing inside Gwen's room.

He crept closer to her window and tried to find a peep hole that he could see through. Without knowing that there was no glass to lean on, he leaned forward to put his hands on the window to look inside. His surprise of finding that there was no window there caused him to lose his footing and tumble through Gwen's window, which was open apparently, taking the blinds with him.

Gwen spun around in her desk chair and looked at the mess that just rolled through her bedroom window, puzzled and shocked to find Peter face down on her cream-colored, fuzzy, carpeted bedroom floor. Peter looked up at Gwen and smiled, trying to think of something witty to say as an excuse for tumbling in through her bedroom window.

"So...I was free tonight." Peter said smoothly, resting his head on his elbows to look normal. When in fact, everything was not normal and he was not free that night. He had hit his head quite hard on the not-so-fuzzy-and-carpeted bedroom floor and he never knew when Spider-Man duty called. He hoped it wouldn't-not tonight anyway.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to drop by!" Gwen said, floating down to the floor to sit cross-legged next to where Peter lay. Peter chuckled at her cheesy pun. "Oh, and by the way, sorry about the interruption was my brother. Who was sent by my dad to confiscate my phone to motivate me to do homework and study. On a Friday night."

"Well, why would you be home on a Friday night anyway? Go out with your friends!"

"You know, Peter, you're the reason why my few 'friends' have abandoned me! And also the reason of my dropping grades. Pretty soon, you'll pass me up as 1st in our class!"

"Maybe that was my plan all along, to distract you with my charm and popularity and beauty so your grades could drop and I could finally be 1st in our class. But maybe, and this is the most likely answer, I'm already 1st in my class and I'm not charming, popular, or beautiful." Peter shrugged and gave Gwen a sheepish smile.

"In your dreams, lover boy! I am and always will be 1st in our class. And you are a cute, nerdy way. And you're hotness, oh my gosh, do not even get me started on that!" Gwen giggled, reaching over to Peter and ruffling his hair.

Their eyes connected for a moment before searching the room in a frenzy. A persistent vibrating had interrupted they're almost intimate moment and Peter knew what it was immediately. His police radio. Gwen still didn't know that he was Spider-Man, he wanted to tell her but he just didn't know how. What would she think if he told her the vibrating was his police radio?

"Oh, um, that's my phone. Aunt May just called...I hope she's okay. I better go check on her." Peter scrambled up to his feet, grabbed his backpack from where it had fallen when he fell through the window, and pecked Gwen on her cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow!" he said before jumping out of her window.

After sitting where Peter had left her for a couple seconds, confused about how quickly things had gone, Gwen jumped up to her window and looked for Peter outside. Disappointed as to not finding him, she sat back down at her desk and huffed. She heard her father's police radio go off and sighed. Her father was going to go risk his life for the selfish and ungrateful people of New York again. Too bad Peter had to leave so she could have someone to vent to.


Peter fleeted up the side of the Gwen's penthouse complex and crouched on the roof. After pulling out his police radio, he stripped down to his suit and pulled his mask out of his backpack.

"Man with eight metallic tentacles heading toward 4th and 78th street."The police radio reported as Peter climbed the side of Gwen's building to get to the roof.

Doc Ock? What's he doing here? Why is he back? Peter wondered, stripping down to his suit and pulling his mask out of his backpack. He searched for a place to hide his backpack, but after finding nothing worthy of hiding it, Peter punched a hole in the wall of the staircase that lead from the 50th floor of the Gwen's penthouse complex, to the roof.

Peter shot web after web after web at the hole to cover it up and once it was, Peter shot a web at the building diagonal from where he was and swung down over the empty street.

As Peter made his way to the intersection of 4th and 7th street, he grew more and more weirded out by how quiet it was. It made the whole city feel eerie and he didn't like the pit that was opening up in his stomach. He perched upon a building on 4th street, overlooking the intersection and spotted him. Dr. Octopus. Just picking his way calmly through the cars strewn all across the street. It looked as if every single one of them was empty.

Otto must be up to something...I've got to be careful. Peter reminded himself.

"Hey, Otto! Have a nice vacation?" he called after making sure he was hidden well out of Otto's sight.

"Ah, Spider-Man! How nice it is to see-rather, hear you again!" Otto's voice echoed off of the tall buildings and through the deserted street. "And actually, yes! I did have a very nice vacation. Gave me lots of time to think, invent, and get stronger!" To prove his point, Otto picked a car off the road with a metallic tentacle and crushed it.

Thank the Lord it was empty.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now