Pt 11

121 7 1

Peter's POV

"What? This must be some kind of trick!" Peter said, leaping back from Virus' spot on the ceiling and getting in his defensive stances.

"What did I tell you, Peter? I am Gwen!" Virus retracted her mouth to show Gwen's face, which was currently tear-stained. Peter was immediately by Gwen's side.

"Gwen, are you okay? Is this symbiote holding you hostage? Did it hurt you?" Peter shot his questions at her, expecting a quick reply after each and every one of them. He was by her side in about half a second.

"Come on, let's just go sit down. I have so much to tell you." Gwen lead him inside her room and she took a seat in her desk chair and he sat on the floor, looking up at her like a student to a teacher. Any thought of telling her that her father was home had escaped his mind.

"Donna-Scream-came by today. She said she had had a change of heart and she asked me for help. One thing lead to another and...I'm bonded with her offspring." Gwen explained hurriedly, holding her breath while waiting for Peter's response. Peter focused his gaze on his folded hands that were set on his knees. His eyebrows knit together in thought as per usual.

"Before she kidnapped me...I saw something in Scream's eyes that I'd only seen once before. In Venom's before he tried to kill me. It was like a sort of innocence had been triggered by something and they seemed like they hated being bad. But then everything went back to normal and she became her old self again. Maybe she is really trying to change." Peter mused. Gwen relaxed a bit when he agreed with her and admitted to also seeing something change in Scream.

"She wants to work with us. To stop Doctor Octavius."

"She wants to work with us, huh? There is no us. This is too dangerous for you and I can't have you get hurt. She can work with me if she wants to but only, and I mean only, to stop Doc Oc. Nothing else."

"She expects you to help her bring her father and brother back from where you put them."

"Is she crazy? I put them there for a reason! Does she not realize the terrible things each of them has done! Not to mention all the things she's done, too! She's lucky enough to have my help." Peter stood abruptly and began to pace, running his hands through his hair in distress. Gwen stood up and got in his way to keep him from pacing and placed her hands on his cheeks.

"Peter, I love you. And I know that this is very serious to you and that you definitely do not want me out there with you and Scream and Doctor Oc and who knows what else is waiting out there for you, but it is because I love you so much that I agreed to bonding with this symbiote. And why I'm completely disregarding your rejection to me helping you and Scream. I'm coming with you guys and that's that." Gwen kissed Peter softly on his lips. Then the symbiote took over and Gwen's beautiful face was replaced with the smirking face of Virus'.

"Plus, I think I'm better than you now." Virus taunted, placing a hand on her hip.


Sorry for such a short chapter! I've been working on my new Winter Soldier fanfiction. Much longer chapters :) Will update soon. Planning on having a writing day tomorrow.


You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now