Pt 3

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Peter smiled sheepishly at Gwen, not knowing that she couldn't recognize that he, in fact, WAS Peter Parker.

"Hi, Gwen." Peter said, waving a foot at her since both of his hands were tied up at the moment. The look on her face gave away her recognition of his voice.

"...Peter?" Gwen said, reaching up and trying to grab his mask. She was too short to reach him so she pushed herself up onto her windowsill and stood, one hand holding onto the window and one barely touching Peter. She managed to take his mask off and clutched it in her free hand, identifying Peter as Spider-Man. "Wow, long time no see, huh?"

"Ha,, Gwen?" Peter chuckled, he wanted to ask her for help but not hurriedly. He was kind of embarrassed. After all, she just discovered that her boyfriend was the friendly neighborhood vigilante.

"Yes, Spider-Man?" Gwen said, gulping and hugging the mask to her chest; she squished herself up against her window, trying to create as much distance between her and Peter as possible.

"Gwen, I'm not going to hurt you! I'm just a normal guy in a mask and suit. I'm still Your Peter. And you're still My Gwen. Now, can you please help me get down...?" Peter asked cautiously. Gwen took a deep breath and shut her eyes for a couple of seconds. She shook as she slowly climbed back through her window and retreated into her room, turning to look at him one more time before shutting her window and the blinds. Peter mentally face-palmed and rested his head on the brick wall behind him. Good going, Peter.


Gwen hid the mask inside her smock sleeve before knocking on her older brother's door. She felt like everything was in slow motion. How could Peter be Spider-Man? The hero was brave, showy, and athletic. Peter was...well, Peter.

"Philip! Open up! I need your help." Gwen shouted to his door. It opened a crack and Gwen took that as her permission to come in. She saw Philip jump back on his bad, playing his air guitar to whatever stupid music was being transmitted from his earphones to his mind. Gwen marched right over to Philip's bed and ripped his earphones out of his ears, along with his iPod, earning a confused and distasteful look from Philip.

"What the heck?!" Philip said, trying to snatch his earphones back from Gwen, but she was too quick for him and drew back before his arm even got halfway through the grabbing motion.

"Come up to to the roof with me. I need help with something." Gwen pocketed the earphones and iPod, patting them through her pocket. "Then you can have these back." She smiled at Philip, who scowled at her.

"First, tell me what's going on. And Dad's a cop. He can help you with anything. Go ask him." Philip sat up and slid over to the edge of his bed.

"That's exactly why I asked you. Because Dad's a cop. And he can't know about this." Gwen said, turning around and beginning to walk out of Philip's room. "C'mon Phil." She gestured for him to come with her. Philip groaned and pushed himself of his bed and stumbled after her, following her to the floor above them, whilst mumbling to himself.

"Ok, let's get this over with. What's up?" Philip said, looking out over the city lights. He noticed the streets were weirdly deserted. It wasn't even midnight yet, but, even then, the streets were still bustling.

"Walk over in the direction of my room. So you're standing above my room. And then look down." Gwen instructed. Philip obliged and got a good grip on the railing before looking over the side of the building. Gwen pulled the mask out of her sleeve, knowing by the way Philip was still staring down at the side of the building, that he knew Spider-Man was hanging by his tied hands from a flagpole. She showed it to him. In a few seconds, Philip was in a frenzy.

"Spider-Man? Spider-man!" Philip screamed down at Peter. "You're Gwen's-!" Gwen rushed up behind him and slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Philip, let's try and keep this a secret, ok? No one knows who Spider-Man is, remember? And if people find out that Peter is Spider-Man, no telling how many GIRLS will be all over him." Gwen said, adding a dash of distaste to the last sentence.

"How do we get him down?!" Philip panicked. "What if we can't get him down and the web breaks and he falls to his death...but wait! He can web-sling out of here! Aw, that would be so cool to see in person!" Philip was quite the Spider-Man fan.

"All out of webs." Peter called up to them. He wasn't that far down. The flagpole hung about 2 feet below them since the flagpole was about 8 feet above Gwen's window. But the railing was the problem. And Gwen could see this all in perspective, so she already had a plan in her mind.

"Philip, you have skinny arms...right?" Gwen asked, thinking out loud.

"...yeah" Philip pouted, looking down at his arms and flexing them. "But they're still muscular!"

"I know, Phil, we are gonna need you're skinny yet muscular arms right now, ok." Gwen drew in a deep breath, trying to clear her mind and focus on the task ahead of her. Rather, the task hanging from the flagpole. "Now, put both of your arms through the railing and grab the web Peter's hanging by."

"Gwen, are you sure this is gonna work?" Philip said, getting on his knees and beginning to put both arms through the railing and grope for the web that Peter was hanging by.

"Well, you're already doing it so you must think it's going to work." Gwen said, crossing her arms over her chest, watching her brother try to rescue Spider-Man/her boyfriend.

"I got it!" Philip said, tugging on the web and pulling it free from the flagpole. Gwen ran to Philip and peered over the railing at Peter dangling from the web, which was now in Philip's grip.

"Good now, stand up slowly, keep a good a hold on the web and once you reach the bar at the top of the railing, I'm going to try and hold the web while you get your arms over the railing." Gwen said, putting the mask on the ground next to her to make her hands available. Once Philip had reached the top of the bar, he waited while Gwen got a firm grip on the web. Once she had the web secure, Philip quickly grabbed it from over the railing and backed up slowly to pull Peter onto the roof.

"Philip, hurry up! My hands are slipping out!" Peter yelled. Gwen freaked out and grabbed the web to help Philip pull Peter up. For some reason, Philip and Gwen didn't feel a weight on the end of the web anymore and fell back onto the paved penthouse rooftop. Gwen noticed the end of the web strand. It was empty.

"Peter!" Gwen screamed, scrambling up and over to the railing and looking over at the empty sidewalk below.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now