Pt 6

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There's a LOT of drama in this chapter! Yet, its short...kind of like a filler.

"Peter I'm so glad you're okay!" Gwen squealed, running up to Peter as soon as he stepped foot on the roof.

"Yes, Peter, you have some explaining to do." Helen said, stepping forward and giving him a stern look. Peter sent a confused glance in Gwen and Philip's direction.

"I told her about your...other identity." Gwen said, looking down at her shoes to avoid Peter's shocked expression.

"Why would you-?" Peter started to interrogate Gwen but decided against it. He didn't want to add to the hurt she was about to feel when he told the Stacy's that their beloved father and husband was missing. He had also then just realized that Scream had basically told both of the Stay parents who he was.

As if on cue, Helen continued to question Peter. "Where's George? Did you hurt him?" she stepped forward as if she were threatening him.

"Scream took him. Helen, do you think I would really hurt him? I know you and him aren't too keen on Spider-me-but I do what I do for the people of this city. To protect them from danger. I would never hurt your husband. Especially when Gwen means so much to me. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't hurt anyone! Even the villains that I go up against, I don't try to hurt them intentionally but it is the only way they can be stopped. They aren't negotiators, Helen." Peter explained in a firm tone. The words that were being said weren't coming from Peter's mouth, they were coming from Spider-Man's.

"Look, I know you didn't choose this path for yourself, Peter. And I respect you for the fact that you chose to use your powers for good. But you should've told us when this happened! Now, because of you, my husband is in the custody of some crazed alien! It knew enough about your personal life to know where she could strike to hurt you. So she took Gwen's father-my husband! It knows that, because of your love for Gwen, you'll do whatever it takes to-"

"I would do whatever it takes to get anyone back from a 'crazed alien'! 'It's' name is Scream and she is a symbiote, by the way. I should know, I've been possessed by one before." Peter spat, not being able to control his anger at Helen.

"Peter, don't talk to my mother like that! And Mom, stop questioning Peter! You've only just met, plus, he's a hero and just because Scream, or whatever her name is, took Dad doesn't mean that it's automatically his fault! He's going to get Dad back." Gwen defended Peter.

"He drew the alien here, Gwen! Don't you get it? The alien wants Peter, not George." Helen screamed at her daughter.

"It's not like he lead Scream here on purpose, Mom. He is a hero. He doesn't lead crazed aliens to his girlfriend's family's house and make sure that her dad goes missing. He just doesn't. Because he's not like that." Gwen turned to her three brothers for support, but there were all staring at the floor being surprisingly quiet, "He's going to bring him back. You'll see." Gwen kept her volume and temper under control.

During Gwen's entire speech, Peter was nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot-Gwen was so certain that he was going to get her dad back. He didn't know if he could do.

Scream is a symbiote. She is crazy and evil and doesn't have any common sense or mercy. She could've killed George by now and none of them wouldn't even know. Whether she was working alone or with a partner, which was impossible since Venom and Carnage were sent out of Earth by spaceship a couple of years ago, Peter had to figure out what she wanted, because Gwen was right about one thing. Scream doesn't want George. She wants him.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin