Pt 8

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Scream watched Peter as he swung from building to building towards her, no doubt looking for her. Otto had ordered her to guard his hiding spot in case of him coming here. Which he was currently doing.

Time for some action, then. Scream said to Donna before leaping down from her perch.

Peter! Scream squealed as she leapt towards him and grabbed him. They landed on a nearby roof and Scream dropped Peter onto the cement.

"Where's Captain Stacy?" Peter asked, his tone suggesting that he was a bit winded. Scream took note of this.

"With the doctor." Scream answered, shrugging before picking the Spider up by his throat. "Tired, are we?"

Peter felt his oxygen depleting and knew he had to get out of Scream's grip. But a thought came to his mind. If I let her capture me, maybe she'll take me to the Captain. And this doctor she keeps talking about. Peter started to put up a fight to make him not seem suspicious.

"Well, then, how about we take a little nap?" Scream laughed as a glowing, blue tendril came out of her. The tendril replaced Scream's grip on Peter's throat and began to electrocute him until everything turned black.

"Well, aren't you sweet? Bringing me all these valuable things that you know I've always needed." Octavius smiled at Scream as she dropped Spider-Man on the floor by Otto's feet, she just nodded and left to go up to her usual place: the loft. She scaled the wall of Octo's lab and pulled down the trapdoor that led to the attic which led to the loft. Once she reached the loft, she perched on her favorite support beam and stared out the large window of the abandoned boat house.

Father, you'll be here soon enough. You, too, brother, don't you worry. She reached out to them in her mind, hoping that they could somehow answer. Despite being powerful in every way, symbiotes did not have any power over telepathy-the power Scream wanted to possess at the moment.

She was not just some heartless creature that slaughtered people for the sheer pleasure of it, and it was very pleasurable, but she was only just a little girl that wanted to be with her family. When the Spider saw that in her, she knew she had made a big mistake by letting her emotions escape. Now, he would try to help her and inspire her to do the right thing.

Scream scoffed and hugged herself. She missed them so much. But symbiotes weren't supposed to have emotions. Yet, her father had.


Peter groaned and sat up, putting a hand on his head to try and steady it's dizzying pounding. Where am I? Was his first thought. He moved his head around as much as he could without yelping out in pain.There was a lot of tech and lab equipment and a screen that showed a small tracking radar. Whoever owns this equipment...they must've been tracking me. And working with Scream. Then it hit him. Is this the doctor she was talking about?

Peter went over all the doctors that he knew in his mind and he came up with three: Dr. Ashley Kafka, Dr. Curtis Connors, Dr. Otto Octavius. Dr. Kafka had shrouded herself in complete solitude when Eddie Brock had disappeared. Dr. Connors was incarcerated after he tried to inhabit New York City with giant lizards. And Dr. Octvaius...well, he was on the loose, yet in hiding.

Peter tried to stand up but his legs wouldn't obey him. After trying to stand up many times, he gave up and dragged himself along the wet, wooden floor. He realized that the whole room was made of wood, even the ceiling.

He heard the sound of water swaying from underneath him.

Mustering all of the strength that he had left, he punched a floorboard out and ripped out other surrounding wooden boards to form hole big enough for him to possibly fit through. He discovered baby blue water underneath the hole.

We must be in some sort of boat house. Peter concluded as he stared down at the almost still water. He couldn't decide on whether to jump in and try to find his way out or wait in the boat house and see who this doctor that Scream was working for was.

Just as Peter was about to jump into through the hole and into the water, he heard a gruff voice mumbling over in the direction of the lab technology area.

"...she couldn't just run away like that...not after what she did for me...for us..." the voice said, followed by mechanical whirring.

Dr. Octavius. Peter's eyes widened as realization hit him. He couldn't leave the boat house until he learned what Otto was up to. The "she" he's talking about must be Scream. Peter decided, trying to crawl closer to Otto so he could hear his mumbling better. To stay out of sight, Peter managed to scale the wall closest to the lab equipment and stay in a spot where the shadows hid him.

"It's not like we need her anyways...right, my babies?" Otto said, smiling at the metal tentacles that were attached to his back. They purred in response.

Why did Scream run away...? Peter wondered. And then he remembered that look in her eyes right before she captured him. She was having a change of heart.


Donna took a deep breath and knocked on the polished wooden door in front of her. She heard footsteps before a short girl with platinum blonde hair and very pale skin opened the door.

"May I help you?" she asked, shifting her weight from her toes to her heels.

She's nervous, be polite. Scream advised from inside of her mind. Donna was still getting used to having an alien as a conscience but it was a way.

"Yes, uh, hi...I'm looking for Gwen Stacy?" Donna said, knowing that the girl in front of her was, in fact, Gwen Stacy. But she didn't want to seem suspicious.

"That's me..." Gwen said, closing the door a little bit. Donna's hand flew up to stop the door from closing all of the way.

"I've come on behalf of Peter Parker," Donna leaned in close to Gwen, "I know that he's Spider-Man." Gwen's eyes widened in shock.

"What happened? Is he okay?"

"No...I'm afraid he's in danger. I kidnapped him."

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now