Pt 5

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A knock sounded at the door to the Stacy penthouse apartment. Philip, Gwen, and Peter, minus the suit, were caught off-guard and jumped up out of shock. They were all way too exhausted from the trial on the roof.

"Who is it?" Philip called in a sing-song voice before flopping onto the couch in the Stacy den.

"Room Service!" a high, scratchy voice answered, along with the sound of splitting wood hitting tile. Almost like a door being broken down.

"What the-?" Peter jumped up, suddenly fully alert and awake. "My Spider-Sense should've gone off by now! Unless..."

"Unless what, Peter?" Gwen asked, also fully awake.

"The only thing that doesn't trigger my Sense is...a symbiote." Peter said slowly. He shot a web at his backpack which was on the couch and brang it to him. He unzipped it and tore out his Spider-Man suit. Gwen and Philip turned their backs towards him to give him some privacy while he changed out of his normal attire and into his suit.

Whoever...or whatever broke in sure should be trying to kill me by now...I wonder what's holding them up? Peter pondered these thoughts and came up with a grave conclusion. They were already inside playing a fierce game of hide-and-seek with him.

"Ok, both of you, get back up to the roof! But if you see any sibling or parent on the way, grab them and run! No time for explanations or questions just grab and go!" Peter said, taking control of the situation.

"Yessir, Spider-Man!" Philip said, taking off down towards the hallway to where a door led up to the stairs that wouls take them to the roof. Since Howard's and Simon's rooms were on the way to the door, Philip ran past each one while banging on the door. "C'mon guys! To the roof, to the roof!"

Howard and Simon, the younger brothers of Gwen and Philip, came out of their rooms, looking very tired. But upon seeing their older, bigger, tougher brother running down the hallway and their older, smarter, bossier sister hot on his trail, they high-tailed it right out of they're penthouse apartment and straight to the roof.

Once Peter made sure that all the Stacy children had gotten out safely, he headed away from the door, down another hallway toward the Stacy's master bedroom. The varnished wood double doors were locked tight and Peter put his ear up to it to listen for any signs of danger. His Sense still wasn't going off.

"What are you?!" he heard a female voice scream.

"I am Scream. An extra-terrestrial-" the symbiote was interrupted by a gun-shot and a man's shouting.

"I don't care what you are, just get out of my apartment!" the man demanded. It was Captain Stacy. Now, Peter knew he had to get in there.

"Oh dear, Captain George Stacy. We know you. And your daughter. And her relationship with the Spider." Scream taunted, revealing Peter's secret to Captain Stacy piece by piece. Peter decided that if he was going to get Mr. and Mrs. Stacy out and up to the roof safely, then this was certainly the time to do it. With one swift kick, the locked double doors to the Stacy master bedroom were knocked down and Scream turned around to face the intruder.

"Ah, Peter! Come join us! Things were just heating up!" Scream squealed in delight as she she ripped the shotgun that was fired earlier from Captain Stacy's tight grip with a tendril. Mrs. Stacy's face morphed into pure confusion at Scream's mention of Peter Parker: Gwen's sweet, feeble, nerdy boyfriend that she had heard so much about. Surely the strong, fast, wise-crack Spider-Man could not be Peter. Or vice-versa. It was a shame that they had to meet this way.

"Too bad! You were just leaving!" Peter shouted up at Scream, who stood about three or four more feet above his 5'10 body.

"I'm not leaving without a souvenir!" Scream cackled, wrapping another tendril around Capt. Stacy's waist and bringing him up to her level.

I need to get Mrs. Stacy out before things get ugly. Peter thought, focusing only on Helen Stacy and leaving Scream in the dark.

"Mrs. Stacy! You need to get up to the roof! Now! I'll get you're husband back!" Peter instructed Helen. She didn't need to be told twice. She bolted out of the room without being harmed, screaming the whole way down the hallway. When Peter turned back to face Scream, he was smacked in the face with a slimy symbiote tendril and flew backwards into the footboard of the King-Sized bed.

By the time Peter had recovered from the pounding in his head, Captain Stacy and Scream were gone. No matter how many times Peter searched the rooms in the Stacy residence or called his name, Captain Stacy was nowhere to be found.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now