Pt 10

230 8 1

Peter's POV

"Spider!" Doc Oc drawled. Peter's head snapped up in fear, he had spotted him. He watched as the doctor's tentacles whirred and clicked and kept their talons pointed at him. They swayed with excitement.

No point in trying to keep hidden. Peter concluded as he jumped down from the wall and landed directly in front of Octavius. "Where is the Captain?" Peter asked, his voice stern.

"He's not that hard to find, boy. Look around..." Octo said, motioning to the large room. Peter scanned the room, noticing many wooden posts, wooden ceiling beams, and an empty loft with a large window looking out at the sea. It was a dreary day, one of many in Manhattan, and it looked as if the sky was about to release a million gallons of wet fury onto the city.

Peter finally spotted the Captain slumped against a circular piece of metal that looked sort of like a sewer-hole cover. Peter left Doc unattended and ran over to the Captain. He felt for a pulse but could find none. Touching him made Peter realize that he felt very cold...a dead kind of cold.

"What did you do to him?" Peter asked, looking up at Doc Octo with narrowed eyes.

"Have you ever read-or heard of, really-Romeo and Juliet? You know how Juliet obtains that poison that stops her heart rate and makes her seem dead for 42 hours? Similar to what I did to the Captain, actually. He'll be dead for 10 hours so he won't be able to protest against the procedure that I will need him for."

"Procedure?" Peter asked, his eyes practically closed due to all the narrowing he was doing at Doc Oc.

"Yes, procedure. He is a vital component in a plan I have and if you think that I am going to let you in on anymore of my plan-you're hilariously wrong." Doc Oc said, adding a growl to the last part of his ramble.

"You know you won't win this one, right? You've never won. And you're never gonna." Peter said, straightening his lanky body to pace back and forth. His voice had a mocking ring to it.

"We will see about that, Spider." Doc Oc said as one of his tentacles flew towards him. Peter ducked just in time, thanks to his Spider Sense and rolled out of the tentacles' reach. Doc Oc only crawled towards him on his tentacles. He threw insults and various, useless lab equipment at him.

"This plan will not fail! It is foolproof-meaning that you won't be able to figure it out or stop it! Just you wait and see, Spider! Your world will be crumbling before you and you won't be able to do a thing about it." Doc Oc said, pausing his throwing to try and scare Peter. But it wasn't something Peter hadn't heard before.

"Now before you can scare me anymore," Peter shot a patch of web at Doc Oc and it slapped over his mouth, " let me give you a preview of how this whole 'plan' of yours will play out!" Peter used the tendril of web that was attached to the Doctor's mouth to catapult himself towards his body. Peter's feet made direct contact with Oc's gut and the Doctor crashed to the ground with Peter standing on top of him. He grinned down at the unconscious doctor in triumph before realizing that he had yet to rescue the Captain.

Leaping off of Octavius' body, he sprinted over to the Captain, who had about eight more hours left of being "dead".

"Let's get you back home. I know some folks who are worried sick about you." Peter said to the Captain. Of course, he didn't get any response.


Peter set down the Captain's body on the Stacy's black-and-white-tiled floor.

"Hello? Is anybody home?" He yelled after shutting the window in the hallway that he used to get in. He didn't hear any response so he tip-toed down the hallway, making his way towards Gwen's room. He stopped to knock on it and something wet touched his gloved hand as it came in contact with Gwen's door. It was saliva that seemed to be dripping from the ceiling.

Scream was here. He noted and continued to look for his girlfriend. After searching every room, Peter came to the conclusion that she was gone. Scream had taken her, too.

"Hello, Peter." Peter turned to see a symbiote, a new symbiote, smiling at him with its gleaming teeth. It took Peter a little while before he realized that this symbiote had the same hair-like tendrils that Scream did; this symbiote is a girl.

"Who are you and-" Peter began.

"What do I want? That's an interesting question, Peter, because what I want

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now