Pt 4

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Gwen breathed a sigh of relief as she spotted Peter clinging to the side of the building.

"It would've been much easier for me to just have grabbed the web, huh?" Peter called up to Gwen. She exhaled harshly, trying to laugh, but she just couldn't. Her boyfriend had almost just dropped to his death. This wasn't a laughing matter.

"But thanks for you guys' help," Peter continued, climbing over the railing that he had just dropped from.

"You're welcome Spider-Man!" Philip screamed. He tackled Peter in a bear-hug, so excited to finally meet his idol. Peter glanced up at Gwen with a mixture of confusion and amusement in his eyes.

"He uh, he kinda loves you, Spider-Man." Gwen giggled softly, hugging herself as a cold breeze flooded throughout her body.

"Yeah...about that." Peter managed to wriggle out of Philip's grip and walk over to Gwen. He untangled her arms from around herself and held her hands, looking directly into her eyes to let her know his exact feelings. "I'm terribly sorry for not telling you, Gwen. I just couldn't. With this great power..."

"-'Comes great responsibility.' Yes, I know. You've quoted your late Uncle Ben's words many, many times...but I don't understand..." Gwen said, tearing her eyes away from Peter's gaze and staring at the ground instead.

"I hope you will understand! If people knew I was Spider-Man, I would be away more than you can imagine! I wouldn't be able to spend time with you at all! I would be famous. And being famous isn't as good as the movie stars put it. Being famous means being well-known. And if people see you and me together on an off-day, they'll know you're my girlfriend. And someone I love and care about. And then...guess what, my enemies will know I love you. And they'll come after you to get to me. And I can't have that." Peter smiled half-heartedly at Gwen, hoping she wasn't mad at him.

"But what does that have to do with me knowing your secret?" Gwen asked, looking back up at Peter.

"No one knows my secret! Well, knew my secret. But now you do and you have to swear-" Peter looked back at Philip, who was leaning on the railing, intently listening.

"Not to tell anyone, I get it." Gwen smiled wearily at Peter. Philip nodded in agreement.

"So uh, Gwen? Can I have my iPod back now?" Philip asked sheepishly. Gwen laughed and took it out of her smock pocket, dangling it in the air in front of her. She turned to Peter.

"And just in case anyone can see you right now," Gwen gave Peter his mask back,"you better put this back on."


Scream scaled the wall of the alley way and perched atop a building.

There he is. Scream thought, looking over the buildings in front of her to Gwen Stacy's penthouse complex. She watched as Gwen, Spider-Man, and Philip went back inside the building.

Spider-Man? What does he have to do with any of this? He saved my life. Donna answered from inside Scream's mind. Scream had transformed into her symbiote form and Donna was currently trapped inside Scream's mind. Well, Scream and Donna's mind. They shared the same body after all.

My master, the scientist I told you about, wants him for something. He won't tell me what it is but...he offered to bring my father and brother back.

Father and brother? Who are they? I thought there were only one of your kind? Donna panicked and caused Scream to cackle in amusement.

Venom and Carnage. Venom is my father and Carnage is my brother. They are the most powerful symbiotes. Besides me, of course. But anyway, back to the mission on hand. Scream went back to focusing on Spider-Man through the walls. She had X-Ray vision and could see right through anything.

Why don't we just go in and grab him? Donna supplied, some of Scream's personality and thought process seeping into her own personality and thought process. Scream was surprised at Donna's blunt response to the situation and applauded her.

Great idea! But how exactly should we do that without getting caught? Scream replied, adding a bit of sarcasm to her tone.

Who said we had to get caught? Donna said, enjoying the sense of power and cunning she was feeling.

I like the way you think, human. Scream said, jumping off the edge of the building and landing on another.

The way we think. Donna said smartly. They were making their way to the Stacy residence. And Spider-Man.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ