Pt 7

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"I, uh, I was helping Gwen move her mirror from one wall to another and then it just-" Peter made an explosion gesture with his hands and looked up at his aunt with an exasperated expression.

"Seven years of bad luck for you both, then. But that still doesn't explain how you're so cut up all over your body!" Aunt May said, setting the dish towel back down in the bowl of warm water mixed with a tiny bit of alcohol that she was using to clean up Peter's wounds.

"I fell-right into the shattered glass and got cut up. Like this." Peter smiled and shrugged at his aunt like a child would smile and shrug at his parents when he "forgot" to feed his goldfish.

"Peter, when are you going to stop being so clumsy?" Aunt May said, playing along with Peter's tall tale. She knew he was making this up so she wouldn't be concerned about the real reason. She just wouldn't ask or pester him about it until he got a good rest. May sighed and stood up with the bowl containing the cleaning mixture in her hand. She leaned down to kiss Peter's forehead and stood back to admire him for a couple seconds. He was a very handsome, polite, and smart boy. Clumsy, but smart.

As soon as Aunt May had shut the door behind her, Peter grabbed his backpack and changed back into his suit and mask. The night wasn't over yet and neither was his work.

He was going symbiote hunting.


"Did you get the captain?" The man said, hunched over the various beeping machines that sat before him. She had no idea what they were, but if they were going to help her and the man catch the Spider she didn't care.

"Yesss. I did." Scream said, setting the unconscious captain on the ground.

"Superb. The spider should be coming any second now." The man said, stretching his long, metallic tentacles. A tentacle sighted the captain and squealed in delight. "What, my pet?" Octavius asked. The tentacle wound itself around the captain and brought him up into the air.

"Ah! Yes! Brilliant idea, darling." Octavius said, turning back to his lab equipment to make drastic changes to his plan.


"Now, where would a symbiote hide out?" Peter said, thinking aloud while he sat perched on a tall building. "The sewer? Nah. Only Connors' reptilian friend would hide out down there." Peter laughed at his own joke.

"It wasn't that funny." A hiss sounded from above him. Peter turned just in time to see Scream drop from her perch above him. How long has she been here?

"How did you hear that?" Peter asked, getting into a defensive stance just in case things started to get ugly.

"I'm a symbiote, remember? Daughter of the Great Venom and sister of the Mighty Carnage." Scream said, nonchalantly strutting towards Peter.

"Psh, the 'Mighty' Carnage and the 'Great' Venom were sent away from here long ago. By the AMAZING Spider-Man." Peter said, his muscles relaxing a little as a result of his sarcastic remark. Might as well have some fun with this before things get dangerous.

"Enough with your foolish talk. Don't you want to know where the captain is?" Scream said, twirling a tendril of her golden hair on a clawed finger. Peter tensed again.

"The captain? You still have him? And he's alive? I thought you would've killed him by now!" Peter said, watching Scream with a weary eye: waiting for her to strike.

"A doctor that I know needs him for something. I'm not sure what it is but he said that if I helped him gain possession of the captain, he would help me get my father and brother back here. To Midgard." Scream said, pausing her hair-twirling to look innocently into Peter's eyes.

For a brief second, Peter saw an actual honesty in Scream's stare. He saw a little girl that had been deceived, lied to, used, and wasn't happy with the life she was given but couldn't do anything to change it. Then he saw deceit, lies, hatred, and contentment with the way she was. Peter saw that she loved being evil though a tiny part of her hated herself more than she hated humanity.

"You're coming with me. Parker." Scream said, she raised her hands and a beam of light beamed from them directly to Peter. In a couple of seconds he began to feel dizzy and his legs got weak.

"I didn't know she could do that..." Peter said as the world around him turned upside down and black.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now