Pt 2

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Peter jumped down from his perch without being seen by Otto and crawled underneath a car to keep himself hidden.

"You can't hide forever! Its not like I'll hurt you or anything!" Otto said, picking a civilian off the sidewalk with a metallic tentacle, where they cowered in fear. Before Peter could identify who the civilian was, the tentacle pitched them into the window of a nearby building.

The glass shattered as soon as the body hit the window and, with the force of the throw, flew out of the other side of the building. Otto just threw a body straight through a very, very thick building. Peter couldn't just sit there and hide while somebody was suffering and most likely dying. Or already dead.

Still in hiding, Peter latched a web string to the belly of the car; once Otto's head turned away from him, Peter sprung out from under the car and swung the car at him. The car knocked against Otto's head, making a sound like a softball bat hitting a metal pole. Almost as if his head was made of metal.

"Oh, I didn't tell you, did I?" Otto turned to face Peter, his lips curled up in a sinister smile. "My new technology gives me armor. Armor on the inside of my body. So whatever you just threw at my head, I didn't feel it. There's armor there, too."

Peter had heard of this technology. A man named Logan, who had claws hidden within his knuckles, had been injected with some kind of serum some amount of years ago, to give his bones metal plating. Peter recalled what he was named. Wolverine.

Remembering the body that had just gotten slung through the building, Peter came to life and bounded across the roofs of the cars that were strewn across 78th St. Otto did not make any move to stop Peter from rescuing the suffering citizen. Peter was expecting him to chase after him but finding that he wasn't, it spurred him on towards the civilian.

The civilian spotted Spider-Man swinging towards her and tried to sit up but she couldn't. A shard of glass was buried in her abdomen, which caused blood to flow like a small stream out of her body. She was losing blood very quickly.

Peter got to the civilian and looked her over. Her long, blonde hair was matted with blood and dirt and little glass specks, her face had small cuts and bruises but the main thing, was the huge shard of glass poking out of her pelvis area. Carefully, as to not bury the glass further into her lower region, he picked her up flatly and looked around for any sign of the police or paramedics. There was none of the sort. The streets were deserted, besides Otto just standing there, watching Peter.

"Oh, yes! Also, that police report? Was fake. I lured you here by hacking into their system and creating a fake police report. Smart, right?" Otto said, smirking at Peter. Peter didn't know what do with the civilian so he just walked over to an alley, where it looked safe enough, and laid her down on the cold, wet ground.

"Help is on the way." Peter lied. She smiled and rested a weak arm on his hand.

"Thank you." She rasped out, and tried to smile but couldn't and instead just rested her head back on the ground and tried to doze off. She knew she was going to die so might as well go in her sleep. Before she blacked out once and for all, she heard a small yet rough voice calling her name. The voice seemed to be coming from what sounded like boiling stew.

Donna. The voice said. It repeated itself except this time it was closer. Donna thought nothing of the voice; she assumed it was an angel, or maybe a demon, calling her name. All at once, she was trapped. She could see herself, lying there on the floor, being taken over by a black gooey substance.

Where am I? She asked herself. Well, she thought she asked herself. But someone answered her.

You're trapped inside your own body. No, you're not dead. You're no longer dying, actually. You've been saved, by me, Scream. But the price of being saved is being taken over. By me. Scream. The small, raspy voice spoke again.

Scream? What an odd name. Donna thought.

I don't think you've realized that I can hear every thought you have. Scream said, chuckling at her. Donna tried not to think anymore but it was impossible. She was always thinking. After all, it was her job as the headline maker for the Daily Bugle.

How can I get out? How long will this last? Donna became worried about Scream and what she was. Friend or foe?


"So, why are you here? Why are you back?" Peter yelled loud enough for Otto to hear from where he was "standing" with his mechanical tentacles.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Revenge." Otto shrugged. Listening to his Spider Sense, Peter ducked out of the way just in time to dodge a tentacle that was reaching to pluck him off the street.

He shot a web at the top of a building and swung back towards Gwen's place to try and get the attention of Captain Stacy. Once right in front of Gwen's penthouse complex, Peter shot a web at a tentacle and pulled at it, doing what he did when he defeated Otto last time: pull off his tentacles.

But much to Peter's disappointment, the tentacles did not fall out of their socket. The tentacle sent an electrical shock through the web and to Peter. Since the web strings were metallic, they were great converters for electricity.

Otto learned that after Peter defeated him last time and used it to his own advantage this time. Peter trembled with the electrical current's and shock and couldn't move when Otto went to pick him up. The metal octopus-like arm smashed Peter into the penthouse complex's wall multiple times before finally picking him up and catapulting him into the air.

The penthouse complex's roof was made partly of glass and this glass part happened to be where Peter fell through. He could feel his temporarily paralyzed body crash into the glass and fall downwards before falling right into the hallway of the 50th floor-the Stacy residence.

Peter knew he had to get back out onto the streets to fend Otto away, so he fooled himself into thinking that there weren't a lot of broken bits of glass and cuts all over his body from the broken glass and came up with an idea to get out of the building in the quickest way possible.

He shot webs on both sides of the hole that his body fell through, leaned backwards so that it looked like he was going to do a backbend, and catapulted through the hole and all the way up to the roof. He landed in a perfect perching position and searched all around for Otto, but he couldn't see him.

"It's too late for this Peter and I know that you and I are both exhausted, so until next time..." a tentacle reached from behind Peter and grabbed him, carrying him over to the flagpole sticking out from a window on the 50th floor and hung him by his arms with a web Peter had used earlier to swing to the complex.

A mighty familiar window to Peter. "Get a good night's rest. Kiss your girlfriend goodbye-you might not being seeing her anymore after I come back." And with that, Otto floated down the street towards the intersection of 4th and 78th.

Peter began looking for a way to get down without dropping 50 stories to his death. And since he had used all of his webs up, he wouldn't be able to swing if he did manage to fall from the flagpole. The only way to get out was to call for help and risk whoever was the inhabitant of the room that that window next to him lead to, of finding his identity.

It was a risk Peter was willing to take. Peter yelled and screamed and kicked at the brick wall until the window opened. A girl with green eyes and platinum blonde hair popped out of the window and Peter was face-to-ripped-up-mask with Gwen.

You're Mine, Peter Parker ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now