Chapter 8 : Lovin' Right

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Jacob stopped sleeping in my room, mainly because the obvious sexual tension was becoming an issue. I want to tell him that I love him , but this is all too soon! I met him only a few weeks ago and He's already giving me those 3 words....  I LOVE YOU. What does that even mean? I turned in my bed,  flustered in my thoughts,  trying to think. Jacob has put me through so much,  but I still like him. His face,  his warm skin,  his hair,  his eyes....  Everything about him appeals me. I smile as I squirm in the bed,  thinking of h next to me,  holding me.  I can't believe we kissed for the first time. I couldn't imagine any feeling better. Look at me getting little girly thoughts,  smiling to myself,  giggling quietly. I turned over and dozed off. I eventually stopped going to school , using my time to discover my powers. I sat on my living room floor with my eyes closed...  I concentrated hard on figuring out What I could do. Nothing. I tried everything.  Still Nothing. I got so frustrated, I screamed and picked up the couch,  throwing it out of the window. I was enraged,  I started levitating, red forces of heat and power releasing from my hands. I opened my eyes,  realizing the damage I've done,  and calmed down. I returned back to the ground, my chest heaving,  fangs out,  eyes returning to it's natural gold color.  I sat in the middle of the floor. What did I just do? I cleaned up What I could,  and decided to get out of the house. I called Jacob,  luckily he picked up. He told me to meet him at the town's annual carnival gates. I hope He's not trying to plan anything. I'm not sure that I'm in the mood. I grab a little black dress that flares at the bottom,  gold red bottom heels,  and put my hair in a cute little bun. When I got there,  I saw his car parked but he wasn't in it.  I parked and he then texted me to walk inside. I walked around,  scanning the crowds,  delicious looking food,  and couples walking to the rides. I walked to a stand to order food,  but before I could order, a voice behind me said "We'll have the foot long Polish sausage on a bun,  with everything please? " I turned.  Jacob! (laughs) Why did you tell me to come here? Is something wrong? "I can't treat you to normal things? It's not all about the crazy paranormal stuff. We are people with emotions " He smiled and grabbed our food. We walked to  a bench and sat down . He bit into the sausage,  and pushed it towards my face to bite the other side. I laughed .No,  Jacob I Will not! He batted his cute little eyelashes and made a puppydog face. I gave in and bit the other side . We ate until it was gone,  leaving our lips inches away from each other. He moved closer,  and kissed me. I blushed. Okay, now what? "Let's go ride some rides!" We rode almost everything. I screamed on the rollercoaster,  and he laughed at my funny faces. Afterwards,  we walked to the funnel cake line. We were second in line,  right behind this couple. As they walked off,  I saw that it was kietrel and some guy. "Hey,  he forgot his change " . I went to tap the guy, and shrieked . It was Jawan. Jacob ran towards me, looking as Jawan smiled and wrapped his arm around Kietrel. She walked over and spoke "I thought your advice with Brandon would work... It didn't. But luckily,  I have someone much better. See you later....  Ty" She giggled as Jawan grabbed her hand,  and they walked off. Jacob,  let's go home now. We got in the car,  Jacob holding my hand all the way to my house. I showered and got in bed. Jacob soon came in the room. "I know him. He killed off a few highschoolers at their prom last year. He did that to you? " I looked away from him. Yes.H-he raped me. Jacob put his shirt and pants on my room chair and sat next to me. "Ty, Why won't you look at me? " I started to cry silently. He watched for a sec,  then held my hand. "Talk to me". I snatched my hand away. Don't look at me . Don't touch me. I don't deserve you touching on me. "Why not? Because he touched you? Because he raped you? " At first I didn't reply. "Ty,  answer me right now. Is it because of what he did?" I felt angry,  but hurt. Yes,  Okay? I feel disgusting and dirty and nasty and I don't want you to touch me. I sobbed,  feeling so dirty. I wanted to scrub my skin off with acid and bleach. I lied back onto the bed, backwards ,salty tears stinging my eyes. Jacob climbed onto of me, pinning my arms onto the bed,  eyes raging red . "Don't ever tell me that. Every night I pray to god that you'd give in and let me sleep in here again , hold you like I did the first night I was here,  to kiss you like we kissed out first time , to do What Jawan couldn't or didn't do. When you told me that you were raped,  I wanted to Kill him,  to hurt him like he hurt you. To have this privilege to be in this bed,  in this room,  in this house,  in your life is greater than anything I've ever wanted. You are powerful. Being a mastalyian , a powerful one... a queen. You made me powerful with one kiss. I need you Ty. You're my queen. I'm your king." Indeed he was. I looked into his eyes and I figured it out. I am queen of Mastalya. He was the reason of my transformation. He protected me. He is the King of Mastalya. I should've known. I know he knows. His eyes show that he understands What I understand. I guess we have that ability too. Jacob. You're my - "King" , he said in a hushed tone. "I don't want you to ever think I don't want you. I want to love your body and cherish you. Fate brought us together. Trust me." He raised up and stood in the corner of the room. I stood up and looked out the window. Jacob. I don't know anything anymore. I am going through so much at once. But I know one thing . I- (Pauses ) I love you. He walked to me and stood in my face "I love you more." He pulled something from his pocket. He got on both knees and looked up at me. "I am your king. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to eventually be your husband . I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. " I wanted to cry. He pulled a beautiful necklace;  A small gold linked chain and a beautiful green gem with diamond encrusted around it. Yes. I want to be with you. I love you too. He stood up,  walked behind me, and swept the hair from my neck. He put it on me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Fully forgetting he didn't have on a shirt,  nor any pants. I let the moment whisk me away,  smelling this sweet scent he gave off. His hands removed themselves, tracing the curves of my waist,  his face in my neck,  breathing heavily. Jacob? I knew where this was going , and I wanted it. I just felt a little unsure about having sex with him. "Don't worry,  baby . I'll be gentle with you. I won't try to have sex with you,  you're not ready. Let me just please you...  make your stress and tension go away." I sighed weakly and deep. I couldn't wait for Jacob to show me how much he loved me. I can't believe I wanted it as bad as he did.

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