Chapter 11 : Something Big

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As I woke, I noticed Jacob wasn't lying next to me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slumped over. I was not ready for the big day ahead of me. I just felt as if something big was gonna happen, or try and stop me from getting to Ms. Nostalgia. I walked out of the room and called for both Jacob and Chres, but no-one replied. Jacob? Chres? Anybody home? No reply. I grabbed a towel, and some clothes I had packed inside of a bag before we left. When I walked into the bathroom, the shower was already running, but when I pulled the curtain back, nobody was there. I shrugged, and climbed in.

Chresanto's POV

When I woke this morning, I saw Jacob standing at my door, telling me that he had to make a quick feed run , but said not to wake Ty cause he didn't feel comfy feeding off of humans in front of her, knowing she will try to go with him. I walked to the bathroom and cut the water on hot, forgetting my bodywash, I walked out. Seeing that Ty still was asleep , I thought I just undress in my room and wrap a towel on my waist. I grabbed my body wash and walked quietly down the hall, careful not to wake "sleeping beauty". I opened the bathroom door, and dropped my towel. As I opened the curtain, I saw Ty fully nude, bathing in the water that I ran. I quickly scrambled and grabbed my towel and got out of there as fast as I could.


Oh God.... What just happened? One minute I was showering, and the next I see Jacobs brother naked in front of me. I finished my shower and dressed. I walked out of my room, bumping right into Jacob. "Hey baby, didn't know you were awake" Uhhh. Yeah!  Ummm. What's up? " Nothing, You okay Ty? You seem jittery" Everything is fine. I gotta go, bye! I ran into the room as fast as I could and tried to gather my thoughts. Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but as much as I tried to deny it, I kinda liked what I saw. His body was muscular in all of the right places, nice beautiful smooth skin like his brother, but with an angel's complexion. His teeth were perfect, fangs always visible with these blue eyes that gleam. His hair was jet black, curly like his brother too, just cut short. And the package?  Jesus Christ.... Mmmm He's so cute.., Wait, what am I saying?! I am in love with Jacob... Not, his brother.... This is madness. Know what?  I need to just forget about this and focus on getting to Ms. Nostalgia. I walked into the living room and Jacob was on this phone. What's going on, Jacob? "Uhh Nothing. Chres was acting a little strange, but before he left he said he was on his way to the Gypsy, and he would meet us there. I tried calling to see if anything's ok, but he sent me to voicemail." Uhh.... Maybe he is sick or something. "I guess. let's go, baby" We drove into town, and to Ms. Nostalgia. When We got there, Chres's car was parked outside. Jacob walked in front of me into the lady's house. Ms. Nostalgia greeted us with open arms.  " Jacob, and my Queen!  Welcome Back to my home. I was here with Chres, and he was telling me about the knife he found" Yeah (chuckles) I kinda attacked him, and we actually found out about the paper on the inside. She thought a little, then spoke. " Yes!  I've heard of these kind of things. It's not an actual knife. It's just used to hide messages sent from one Mastaylian to the next. They had to be very discreet back then. There were hunters out to kill our kind. Actually, there's quite a few left in the world today. They come together every 20 years and plot to kill all of our kind. In fact, their next meeting is in a good 4 months. We must prepare." But what about Jawan?  If he isn't Mastalyian, what is he? " She smiled and said"  He is indeed Mastalyian, just another type. They are called Laqiores. They are very evil, but they are slowly dying off, especially because of the hunters. You see, the Laqiores kill bodies but are unable to dispose the bodies. They must rid them by themselves. They kill so many people, they cannot dispose of them all, so they just leave them carelessly.  The hunters trace them easily and kill them all off. What you may not know is that they are becoming wiser. They are breeding with our kind, just to be able to dispose bodies and become even more powerful. This is why we must destroy them without getting caught ourselves. You three are the most strongest of our kind. In order to get rid of them, we need to find more Mastalyians and start training." There's more of us? How will you train us? " Ahh, Yes Indeed there are. I'm also afraid I cannot train you all. I'm not strong or fit enough, but I know who will. You will meet them as soon as we get enough of you to create a force" Jacob stayed silent. I could tell that he was trying to piece together . He stood and began to speak, "Where will we find other Mastalyians? We can't just pray on them to fall out of the sky." Ms. Nostalgia giggled. "Baby, we can call upon them. Well, Ty can. It's one of her many powers. The difficult part.... Finding out how to do it." I decided to try and see if I could call upon some Mastalyians. What do I do?  I suppose I should close my eyes and maybe if I think on it, they'll appear. Chres spoke" It's worth a try! " Ms.  Nostalgia handed me a chair and sat in in the middle of her floor. I sat down, and took a deep breath. Okay I can do this!  I bowed my head, and closed my eyes shut. I thought hard" Mastalyians appear as I call upon you" I repeated it silently. I waited.... Nothing. I sat up and shrugged. What now?  I don't think it's working. Jacob said" Maybe you need another person , like a force? " "Ahhhh " , Ms.  Nostalgia Said. "Now you're getting it. Everyone hold hands and gather before Ty. " We all stood in a circle and bowed our heads. I thought hard, chanting over and over until my hands glowed against Jacob's. He looked up, his hands soon glowing on Chres's, and so forth. Soon enough this force of light and energy erupted in the room, and as soon as it came, it vanished. Momentarily, a knock was heard on the door. We all looked at each other in amazement. Jacob looked onto Ms.  Nostalgia. " Who's gonna answer it?" She said, "Ty Is...." I gulped... Nobody knows who is behind that door. Why do I have to answer?  Maybe this Queen stuff is very overrated. I walked towards the door, and turned the knob. When I opened, I saw 5 people crowded in front of me. Who are you all? I stood up as fierce as I could, showing them that I'm superior and unafraid. The first one stood before me. He was tall, Lightskin with curly hair, You could tell he was mixed with something other than black. Indeed He was so hot,  dressed in black leather parachute pants, white fitting shirt, leather jacket and and the gamma 11s.  He Looked dead at me and got on both knees. He started speaking in that weird language and when he saw I couldn't understand, he started speaking in English. " You must be the queen. Me and my friends have been searching for you for over 100 years. My Name is Ronnie. Ronnie Banks. " He stood up and stepped to the side. A guy stood in front of me and kissed my hand. I blushed, but when I saw Jacobs face glaring at me, I got serious. The guy, with sharp jawlines, A muscular body, and caramel skin, had on fitted black jeans, sorta sagging, with a king tut pharoah shirt, a gold chain, and the bred 11s. He said " Whaa Gwan , Mi name vincent. Mi fi knew you da queen. you soo beautiful. Mi crew been looking for a gyal like you. We fi kill dem bloodclot Laqiores." (What's up, my name is Vincent. I knew you were the queen. you're Sooo beautiful. My crew has been looking for a girl like you. We have to kill those laqiores) I didn't know what he was saying, but his voice was so mesmerizing. I knew Jacob was pissed cause I can feel his cold stare burning a hole in my back. Another boy walked up. Goddamn!  Where Are all these fine guys coming from?  He was the lightest, but obviously black. He smiled but didn't say anything. What's your name ? No reply. Ronnie spoke up for him, "His name is Khleo Thomas. He doesn't speak. We never knew why, but he refuses to say a thing. He was dressed similar to Vincent, just different shoes. A boy and a girl walked up. They looked alike. The girl spoke"  My name is Miley Cyrus, and this is Adam Levine. We're twins. We all came together long ago, and set out to find more of our kind. So far, we are all we have. " Adam said, " I'm glad we found you. Nobody has the strength to get rid of the hunters, nor the Laqiores, besides you. " You all are a big help. Without you, I'm sure I would've failed at being queen. I don't know anything about ruling, but it's good that you are here to help. Please, come in. I invited them inside Ms.  Nostalgia's home, and we all sat together in the small living room. Ronnie stood up from the couch and began to talk. "We have really come a long way to find you three. We have been working with "Sir" , learning about what we are gonna be soon faced with. I am sure Ms. Nostalgia has told you about the hunters as well. I am also aware of what happened to you, My queen. I am so sorry about that, and I can't wait to kill that dumb asshole who dared to kill you. All 8 of us together can overpower the Laqiores, as long as we have our queen. " Who is "Sir" ? "He is our creator. He is who knows all of who we are and knows how to save us. We've been staying with him outside of Clearvine for over 100 years. He knows all about you, long before you even died and became queen. He has been watching you forever, since you were born. He knew all along that you'd help us. " What? This is insane. Who is this guy, and where do we find him? Ms. Nostalgia cut in ,"That's enough of that conversation. In three days, you all will meet your trainer. I have taught him everything I know. You will soon be so powerful and unstoppable. Chres, please would you show your kind hospitality and let these people stay with you, just for the time being? " Chres nodded and said " Of Course, it would be an honor". What about that message paper in the knife? "Oh! Yes, the note" She said,  " While you were getting introduced to the others, it dawned on me, this writing came from Mastalyians, who lived long ago. Their language differed a little from the one we speak now, but later evolved. I was able to read a little from it. It said {Be it the one with the battered soul,  with the heart of gold, , the one who mute thy word, actions heard,  the evil within but for goodness sake, thy killer with thy heart shant break. As the_______ come into thy light of moon,  full of secrets not told as soon} As the what?  She held her head, "I don't know, that part was too blurry to read". Jacob interjected "We should get going, maybe we can figure this out after some rest and maybe try to get to know each other better. " With that said, we all left and piled into Jacob and Chres's car. On the rode home, my mind was blazing with so many thoughts. What did the message mean? Am I really safe and able to trust all of these people? What about Chres?  That whole shower incident is really getting to me. I hope Jacob doesn't find out. He is getting along great with his  brother and I'd hate to ruin that . Besides, I know he doesn't even remember or care about what happened. He's probably seen a billion of other girls naked.

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