Chapter 9 : New Beginnings

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Jacob layed me softly onto the bed,  and asked me to roll over. He raised my shirt just a little and began massaging my back . It was the best feeling ever. I sighed a little, making him laugh a little. He massaged both the upper,  lower,  and my shoulders. Then,  he told me to turn over. He layed beside me and grabbed my hands,  raising it to his lips and softly kissing it,  looking me right in my eyes. I blushed,  and looked down. He got closer , lifting my head up with one finger....  inching closer....  kissing me soft and slow . Suddenly,  he put his tongue in my mouth. I panicked silently, but he grabbed my hands, making me calm and safe.  We kissed more passionate, and deep. He leaned over my body,  kissing and rubbing my arms,  lower to my thighs, and I jumped a little , so he stopped. I couldn't handle that, especially with the image of Jawan hurting me. He stopped,  and scooted to the bed's edge,  standing up. "I'll be downstairs babe. Come down if you need me" He looked a little down,  or upset. I wanted to ask him if he was okay,  but I just turned over and closed my eyes. Was it cause I still think he shouldn't touch me?  I love Jacob....  I want him to be happy.

(Next Morning)

I felt someone shake me, stirring me out of my sleep. "Ty,  wake up" .It was Jacob. I sat up , rubbing my eyes. What's going on? I looked at the clock. 5 oclock?! Why are we up? We quit school , remember ? He spoke blunt and emotionless. "We're going to find my brother " I sat nervously and looked at him,  longing to know why he was acting this way. Jacob,  if this is about last night,  I'm sorry...  I ju- "It isn't about that. Leave it alone right now. We have more important things to worry about" He sounded aggravated, and his hands were balled slightly, when he noticed What he was doing, he stopped instantly.  "Get dressed and meet me in the car." I tried to lighten the mood,  and kiss his cheek. He smiled a bit,  then awkwardly walked off. I got dressed,  and walked outside to Jacob's car. We got onto the road to drive to Clearvine's outskirts, about 2 hours away. The ride was becoming a little too quiet. Jacob...  I know you don't want to talk about it , but I want to apologize. I just kept thinking about Jawan and what happened. I didn't want you to get mad. "Do you know how much pain you've caused? Not being able to even kiss you,  without you comparing me to that fucking bastard?" He clenched the steering wheel,  going a little over the speed limit. "You know something? I know everything is pressuring and hard on you,  but what about me? I go through things every day . I have to worry about a sadistic creep coming at your neck each night, worrying about Chresanto ... You don't help make it any better. I tell you every day , I need you on my team. I can't have you afraid of me! It hurts,  Ty.  It really does. " J,  I know.  I'm truly sorry. I get it. I need to accept that you aren't the bad guy. He loosened up,  turning through the exit of the highway... I laid my head on the window as nd drifted to sleep,  hearing nothing more but the buzzing of Jacob's purring engine. Hours past,  and the car came to a halt. I woke,  scanning the surroundings. It was similar to our side of Clearvine. There was mostly trees and open plains of grass. I looked at Jacob. He looked back at me. "You ready? " You bet. We got out,  close together,  in case there was any visitors trying to give us a "not-so-welcoming" . Jacob examined his paper with Chresanto's whereabouts and information. We walked down a grassy path,  flowers growing down the sides of the dirt road. There was small squirrels climbing up the tree to my right, deers prancing off on my left. We finally get to a cabin loft-like house. Want me to knock? "Uh...Yeah,  you knock " Jacob stood back,  letting me by to knock on the door. KNOCK KNOCK . Shortly,  the door opened,  a light skinned dude, short curly hair,  a built body. He had on no shirt,  revealing his hard abs and biceps. He looked at me for a long time,  then smiled. "Hey, Uh...  do I know you? You look very familiar. " Uh no. I am positive that we've never met.  Uh,  anyways I wanted to tell- "No,  I know you. You're the girl from my dream! W-who are you? Why did you come here. How did you know where I live?" He looked confused. I am Ty. I am queen of Mastalya. I really don't know where that's at or anything like that,  I just wanted to know if you're Chresanto. He looked up at me and spoke kind of nervously. "Yes. That's me" I am here with someone you'd might want to talk to... He watched as I walked to the side and Jacob walked up to the door. "Hey brother. It's me,  Jacob . Chresanto walked onto the porch and faced Jacob. "Jacob? Oh my God.... I thought you- I thought you died... How did you-" "The gypsy woman saved me. I was also informed that she saved you as well. How did you die?" Chresanto paused for a second,  and backed towards the door. "Come on inside guys. I have a lot to explain "

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