Chapter 12 : Evil

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I arrived back at Chres's house, and Vincent carried Kietrel inside. Jacob walked out. "Why is she here? " I saw her banging on my door. I thought she needed my help. "You crazy?  She might be lying!  This could be a set up!" Baby, calm down. She's not that type of girl. I trust her,  and its my instincts telling me to. "You sure? " Yes. We went inside and saw everyone staring at ke with a weird glare. I sat down and began to tell them what was going on. When they heard everything, Ronnie started to talk." Keitrel, if the queen believes you, We believe you as well. But to know that you're fully committed, you gotta become one of us. "What?  What are you? " He smiled. " A Mastalyian." He came close to her, and spoke in the weird language, and his nail grew out really long and sharp, and before she could scream, he jabbed her in a vein in her neck. She screamed then grew a bit silent. He pulled out a bottle of fluid, and poured it where she was jabbed. Momentarily, she groaned and rolled over. I walked up to her and lifted her head. Lime green eyes, fangs. Yep, she's a Mastalyian. She soon came to, and stood on her feet. She started wobbling to the nearest mirror, then she screamed. We all couldn't help but laugh. " What the fuck is going on? I have fangs! What Am I a vampire? " Ronnie laughed at her. "No, something greater. I'd love to tell you all about it, I know almost everything. " She blushed a little, and they walked towards the back. Jacob sat for a while then whispered low. " I know Ty thinks she is safe, but we should still keep an eye open. She knows Jawan and he probably is looking for her as we speak. He needs to die. What better way to kill him, then with her help? " I thought real hard. Jacob is right. She might have key info about what we're up against. She can help us find him. But thats when we're ready. Vince, Adam, Miley, And Khleo nodded in agreement. I just wanted to lay down. I went in the bedroom, but turned to leave when Chres was sitting in the bed. Why are you here? " You dreamt about me last night? " Chres, get out.  I'm really tired. "You're avoiding the subject, i know you're cause I felt it. I was in it too. The hell are you talking about?  " When a queen dreams about someone, they feel everything. Like they're in the dream. " How would you know?  "I don't. It Like just came to Me. " Okay whatever, get out now. "Admit you enjoyed it first. " Are you crazy?  I did not!  Now, go away?  He walked towards me, cornering me into the wall. "Admit it. You liked it as much as I did." No I didn't. I became nervous. His hands rested themselves on my waist. " Say yes, now" . No!  Get away right now. "Say It" He proceeded to to lift my shirt up around my neck. Chres , you better get the hell away from me. Th-This is wrong. He smiled , which made me pissed because he was enjoying every minute. I didn't want to admit the dream , cause I knew it was wrong . His fangs were showing . He ripped my bra into 2 pieces and tried to touch my breasts. I pushed him onto the bed and tried to slap him for doing what he did , but that's when he pulled me ontop of him . "Why are you resisting me ? I am positive that this is what you wanted , right?" No ! Now . stop and let me go. I don't like you , and I don't want you. "You are just saying that. Now stop being stubborn and let me love you." I kept quiet as he kissed my neck , squirming under me . For some reason . I started getting into it , and I kissed him back ! We were going back and forth , kissing and touching until someone screamed through the door. "Baby ? I know this whole keitrel thing might be hard on you, but we will find Jawan and we will make sure both you and your friend are safe." I jumped up , putting my shirt back on and hopped off of Chres. I pushed him into the closet and got under the covers as if I were asleep. Baby, I really don't wanna talk about this right now . Can you just let me rest ? " Of course babe , get some rest. I love you" I Love you too. When I knew he was gone, I let Chres out of the closet. "I love you too" he mocked. Shut the fuck up right now ! You and I both know this is wrong. Don't play with me right now. I sat onto the floor and started to cry. " Okay , okay please stop crying. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just wanted to lighten the mood. He came near me and gave me a big hug, and I hugged him back . What's going on ? I don't know what to do nor who to love anymore . "You should really get rest now (hehe) . Ill go " He left out ,leaving me on the floor. For the next two days, I tried to ignore Chres and stay away from Jacob. The only person I could talk to was my new girl , Miley. She was a stranger , but once I confided in her , telling her about my life as a kid up until now , she always had something positive to say . I even mustered the courage to tell her about Chres . She told me that the decision of actually telling Jacob was up to me , but it had to be soon , so no more wrong can be done. I loved that she was so earnest and sweet.

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