Chapter 7 - A Chance

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Before December 31st


I can feel myself melting a bit at the soft expression in his eyes. No, Emma. Turn around now. Leave him outside. All men are the same. All boys. The same. Don't let this Trojan horse enter the walls you have built up.

Feeling rebellious against my own common sense, I disobey the warning thoughts and stay a little longer. "Why should I believe you?"

"I'll prove it to you," his face looks sincere. "I'll do anything to prove it to you if you give me a chance to."

I want to. I realize in a heartbeat that I want to give him a chance. I want this to be a fairy tale and I want him to be my prince charming. Get real, I tell myself. He's just a good liar.

I force my eyes to roll. "Please. Cut the rehearsed lines and get out of here."

I turn and begin to walk back to the house but the sound of his deep voice stops me. "You take two sugars in your tea."

I spin around. "What?"

He smiles a little. "You take two sugars in your tea. Your laugh is the prettiest laugh I've ever heard. You like reading books set in the middle ages. Your favourite colour is pink. You have perfect handwriting. You talk to the odd kids at school, because you are kind."

My mouth is hanging wide open now, and I'm a little surprised that no bugs have flown into it yet, but mostly, I'm caught on the words he just said.

Aiden laughs. "Speechless? I hope it doesn't seem weird...I to watch you."

Watch me? He's learned all of this just from watching me while at school?

When I still don't speak, he does. "I like all of those things about you."

"You like that I take two sugars in my tea?" I sputter.

He shrugs. "I have never been allowed sugar in my tea. Or in coffee. My mom is a health freak. I like that you don't care."

A giggle rises up in me, and soon I can't help but let it out. He grins back at me. When I'm done laughing, I step closer to him. "Since you've just weirded me out, I have my own weird question for you."

"Okay," he says.

"How tall are you exactly? My friend says you're just below six foot, but I reckon you're above."

We both can't stop our laughter now. I think we must be exhausted from a long week at school and then the party tonight, but it feels great to laugh like this.

"Six foot three," he finally replies after we both calm down. "Last I checked."

"I knew it. Crystie owes me ten bucks." I swipe a tear off my cheek and smile at him.


"I think I'll give you a chance to prove yourself."

"You think?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I change my mind easily," I say in a cheeky tone. "See you on Monday." I start to leave again, but Aiden steps forward and grabs my arm.

"Can't I see you tomorrow?" he pleads.

I think quickly, but can't come up with any reason to say no. I was going to kick back and chill for the whole of Saturday. Still, spending it with Aiden might be fun.


"I could pick you up and we can go hiking," he suggests. "You looked amazing in that red dress, by the way."

"Thanks," I can actually feel myself blushing. "Sounds good. Spruce Peak?"
I've been to Spruce Peak before but I can never get enough of the fresh air and crisp, colourful scenery.

"Anywhere you want to go."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. At..."

"Ten in the morning. Bright and early."

"Alright. I'll be looking forward to it..." I trail off. His face looks hopeful and I can't resist. "Only because I love nature," I tease.

He's not daunted. His eyes dance. "I know. You read a lot of books on nature as well."

So that's why he chose hiking.


"Guilty as charged."

I shake my head. "Goodnight."

"Night, blondie."

We look at each other for a moment longer, and then I walk back up the porch steps and inside, locking the door after me.

~ ~ ~


I watch Aiden walk away whistling. He must have walked here from Adrianne's house where the party is still in full swing, a few houses down the street.
I had gone to bed early, but hadn't been able to fall asleep. So I slipped out of the house quietly and went for a stroll. I was walking along in the shadows when I heard a familiar voice.

It was Aiden, laughing and talking to someone. As I got closer, sticking to the shadows so that I wasn't seen, I saw them. Aiden. And Emma. Emma Rayburn. They were laughing a little hysterically and if I am any good at telling body language, it looked like neither of them wanted to leave.

I was a little shocked. Emma hates boys, everyone knows that. Hasn't dated since sixth grade. But I'm more hooked on the fact that Aiden is messing around with another girl. Emma must have no idea who she's dealing with. But I wasn't brave enough to intrude and tell her he's no good. Instead I stayed in the dark and watched them until they said goodnight and parted.

As Aiden is walking away, I start walking again, in the opposite direction.
Jesus, help me not to feel jealous or angry. Help me not to make up my mind to do something I'll regret. Give me the peace only You can give and do give so freely.
I move on slowly, listening to the occasional hoot from an owl and the breeze making the leaves in the trees rustle. After a while I feel better. It's just me, God, and the whispering trees out here. The atmosphere feels calm, and a deep calm settles within me as well.

I have good things stored up for you, I hear my Heavenly Father speak to my heart. I have a plan. Trust me.

~ ~ ~

After December 31st


Remembering that night, I'm scornful of my younger self.  I was very selfish back then. I just decided I was in love, instead of stopping to think that I had better be serious or someone could get really hurt.

It could have been her silky blonde hair or the smell of her when she came near me. I wasn't very good at deciphering between real feelings and temporary desires as a boy.
I know even now, though, that I wasn't wrong in thinking her special and unique. Even my sixteen-year-old self could recognize a beautiful soul. I just wasn't smart enough to see it was battered and broken too.

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