Chapter Two

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Chat's POV

I ran along the roof tops till I heard a small shout. "Chat!! Chat Noir help!! It's Mari her house is burning down and she is stuck and she won't wake up! Please help!" Tikki said, Plagg told me who she was. She is Ladybug's kwami. Mari was hurt, she was trapped. I looked behind me to see the bakery in flames. A crowd was outside trying to put it out. I didn't waste another second, I ran along the rooftops as fast as I could. Tikki pointed to where the kitchen would be. The whole thing looked like it would collapse any second, so I had to be quick, I jumped into the burning monstrosity. "Mari!! Princess where are you?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, I heard a small cough and a raspy voice. "Chat...'Cough' I'm over... here." I followed her voice, my eyes burnt from the smoke. I saw her, she was crushed under metal beams and bricks. Her head was bleeding, she was lying in a pool of blood. The left side of her face was burnt so was her right hand, her legs had loads of cuts and bruises, but the thing that caught my eye was that there was a dark purple butterfly, near her by the oven. "Cataclysm!!" I broke the beams and picked her up in my arms, I could tell she had broken bones. I carefully jumped of the building, and another beam fell so I couldn't jump any higher. "Tikki... Find us 'Cough' a way out of here please." My voice was breaking, my eyes were burning like hell now. Tikki flew in front of us. And I followed her, jumping past beams and spinning past those that were falling. "There, there's a gap you can fit through, I can't go out there I'll hide in Mari's bag." She pointed to the gap, and hid in Mari's bag. I heard the building make a horrifying groan, and it tilted more to the side, and it slow was coming down. I ran, for the gap, glass shards went everywhere, I shielded Mari and I got cut and stabbed by them. I had to get us out of here. I jumped out of the way of a falling beam. Again. I jumped for the gap as the building came down on us.

THAT'S ALL GUYS. SORRY.............................. ONLY KIDDING CARRY ON OK!

I felt Mari gripped my arm for dear life, as we jumped through. As a cat I landed on my feet. My rested her head on my chest, I sighed I was glad she was ok. "Mamma... Papa..." She whispered only I heard. "Mari!! Oh my God.. your ok.. We have to get you a hospital." Her Mother said, and I nodded. "I can get her there quicker, don't worry she will be in safe hands I promise you that." Told her and she smiled and stepped out of the way. I jumped and landed on the roof of a nearby house. "Chat stay with me when I'm there please?" Marinette said as she slowly opened her beautiful blue eyes. "I promise I'll stay by your side all the time ok." Her chest rose and fell... rose and stayed still. "Mari... Marinette! Don't you dare leave me! I'll get you to the hospital and you will stay with me!" I shouted as I jumped across more rooftops. Till I saw the hospital, I jumped down and medics came to our aid the moment they saw me. I put her life in their hands, I jumped up to the roof top and changed back to my normal self. I wore a white and black shirt, with dark blue jeans and black trainers, my hair was the same so was my eyes. I cried as I buried my head in my hands. "Don't cry Adrien, she'll be alright I promise you that." Plagg my kwami said his name was Plagg, he is just like Tikki but he was completely black with vibrant green eyes. I looked back at the hospital and I saw Mari asleep in her hospital bed, her parents were crying and I mean really crying. I turned back into Chat Noir and went to see what is wrong.

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