Chatper 13

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OMG 1K views guys I never thought this would happen, if I didn't have my friend AveryJ34, tell me to watch it. I wouldn't have made this story!! Please enjoy this Chapter but remember it's unlucky thirteen... some thing could happen to someone..
Adrien's POV
The room was dark and gloomy I heard voices and screams come from that room. Ayla and I were pressed close to the wall, when we got close to the doorframe, we looked into the room. We saw people? "Ok when did your Father have a city in his house?" Ayla asked quietly. Then we stopped I think even my heart stopped! "Is she ready? Dark she has to be right?" I hated that voice... Chat Blanc! The person who hurt Mari... on her birthday. But Darkbug who is she? Can't be Mari can she? "Yeah she is ready. All we need to do is pull the strings, and our little puppet will do anything for us." Her voice was like a sirens, mocking, playing with my mind. Her dress was black and purple, her staff was black and looked like it was made out of iron, her long curly hair was like an ocean. They walked out of the room as there was a shout calling for them. Me and Ayla transformed and quickly and quietly walked in. We both stopped dead, as we saw something that broke our hearts.

Strings were attached to her wooden like skin that were on the floor around her, she wore a red kimono with golden outline

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Strings were attached to her wooden like skin that were on the floor around her, she wore a red kimono with golden outline. A black and purple band around her waist, her baggy trousers were black and stopped just above the ankles, her shoes matched her kimono. Her hair was put into two buns on either side of her head, held by a black band with a little flower connected, her eyes were shut. Her skin was pure white. "Oh Mari... we aren't too late we can't be?" Ayla cried as she brought her hands up to her face. I stepped forward to the doll and I saw it's started to cry... crying blood. "Strings strike and pierce. Being me new dolls to strike and break." Her voice was soft and gentle. But I could tell it hid the pain and sadness. Something cut at me, making me bleed I couldn't see what it was, but it wrapped around my hands pulling me off my feet and dangling me in the air. The same thing happened with Ayla. The Puppet was now on her feet , the strings pulling her up so she stood on her toes, her eyes were still closed and her head hung low. Her hands dangled by her sides. "Well done my dear Marinette. You did well." I knew that voice, he wore a purple body suit with a sliver outline, he wore a face mask that was sliver. Darkbug and Chat Blanc were at his sides, standing smiling at us. An evil smile. "See I told you Marinette, we don't need a Man, we girls are more powerful, more cunning." Dark said as she stepped towards the Puppet. "You're right we don't need men, we are fine on our own." The doll said as she turned to look at Dark her eyes still closed. "Mari please fight this! We don't want to hurt us, find it in your heart and soul." She turned her head to face us once more, her wooden head creaking and cracking. Her baby pink lips smiled at us. "Your Mari is gone, she was weak! Her soul and heart were shattered, when she saw something. I'm the new Marinette, I'm like this because a Doll has no soul and heart. So you can't hurt me." Her voice had a hint of pain in it. The strings pulled her arms up as she pointed her finger at me, making the strings around my wrists tighten and cut at my skin. I hissed in pain. "Come on Marinette don't leave us to not enjoy the fun." Chat Blanc said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Marinette smiled at Blanc and sweet and loving smile. "Oh of course my dear, but the kitty cat is mine!" Her voice was deadly not like the loving Marinette I knew, Dark laughed as she walked over to Blanc. The Puppet threw Ayla full force toward them, Ayla grabbed her flute and clicked something forming a shield, she hid behind it as she crashed into Blanc and Dark starting the battle.Marinette let me drop as her strings released me. Her loose strings where spiralling everywhere in every direction. She sent one of her strings after me cutting at me, I couldn't see it. Don't hurt him! That voice was in my head and the Puppet's "Did I tell you to speak! Strings sew back the silence." Her voice was deadly and evil. I ran towards her with my baton swinging at her. She brought her arm up to blocked it. I stopped and looked at her. Her eyes still shut. She roundhouse kicked me in the face making my nose bleed. Her wooden body was like iron. "You'll never get her back so why are you fighting! She's been split in two, part of her is in Someone and the rest is in me. And for you to get her back you have to kill me, and that will damage her badly even make her be at deaths doorstep." She laughed. I looked back at Ayla who made Blanc go on his back side. She brought her shield up and brought it down on Dark. Who screamed in pain, and she disappeared into white butterflies. I turned my head to Marinette who now screamed too. A crack formed forehead to her cheek, going across her nose. "Noo!!!! I will not lose to scum like you." Her voice became disoriented. Ayla was fighting like a pro, she brought the shield down of Blanc and he vanished into white butterflies. "Noo.. Chat Noir you always ruin things." I heard HawkMoth say, as he watched from a balcony. Ayla was now swarmed by butterflies. Leave them alone!! Don't do this. "Get out of my head!! This is what has to been done!" The Puppet said as she brought her hand up to her head, she opened her eyes. They were a dark purple, as she opened her eyes all her strings pointed at me, the ones connected to her straightened making her rise. Kill her Chat please it's hurting me.
But Mari it would kill you!
But I won't be hurt anymore.
Please Mari don't make me do this!
"Chat...." I ran at the Puppet, and hugged her crying, she froze and stayed still. "Cataclysm..." I cried as I rammed my hand to her chest. She arched her back in pain screaming, her strings fell and snapped. Her body started to crack, and then as she screamed on last time. "Thank You" She shattered into a million pieces. I heard Ayla cry as she dropped to her knees where she stood. "MARINETTE!!!" I cried and I didn't realise that there was a body of a girl in my arms, blood ran down her face, her chest, legs and arms. Her long dark blue hair was stained with blood. Her chest was still her heart didn't beat. Her eyes were shut, one hand was on her stomach the other touching the floor, she held the necklace I gave her, she still wore the ring I gave her. I cried as I hugged her lifeless.. body. I transformed back to my normal self as I kissed her, wanting her to be alive. "Adrien... my son.. I'm sorry" I heard HawkMoth say as he stepped forward towards me. I picked Mari up and walked away. "I... can help..."

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