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I was tagged by a fabulous person and I have to answer questions. So here we go.

1. I'm straight.
2.I sing but I just don't want to.
3.My favourite colour is Black and Green. (Bloody Chat Noir)
4.I feel nothing. (I'm dead!)
5.I dislike flying.
6. I'm a cat and dog person (They are two cute I can't decide.)
7.I'm a night person. (You disturb my sleep you are dead.)
8.I'm a gamer
9. I'm a musician
10.I love to write write stories
11. I have lots of friends. (Yes I have friends!!)
12. My fear is being alone and forgotten.
13. The one thing I can't do is Flip...
That all for today, if you have any questions you want me to answer just ask me.

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