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Night means different emotions to different people. To Adira night was a mess, it sure was more dark as her days. Her terrible thoughts, blades, smoking and occasional drinking made her more of a mess. Like other people she could never relate night as peace and her thoughts used to make noises as the waves made when they hit the shore, though she had never been anywhere near to the sea.

Her tears used to fall in empty spaces in the name of pathetic and uneventful life. The sparkle they used to catch while falling down on her thighs, making them damp was very much different from the shine they used to emit before. Every night, it used to fall and somehow the color always managed to change from colorless to red. If not red tears which she used to cry from her wrists and thighs then she would always end up on terrace of the building not to do something stupid but to find a peaceful atmosphere. Time never mattered to her, the terrace was a peaceful place; the only place where her thoughts found rest in the whole world wide.

She was sitting at the ledge of the terrace, kicking her feet to adjust into a comfortable position. Above her were beautiful shining stars, it reminded her of the blanket she had back in England. The blanket was covered with starred shape images painted with radium that never failed to amuse her in those good days. The life there was much more eventful might be because her parents were together and she had a lot of friends. Ah, those pretty days were gone. How much she wanted to travel back in the time but was helpless.

The faint noise of shoes approaching her seating caught her attention, she turned back to recognize the owner and met with those familiar black eyes of her only friend, best friend; Danny. He was coming near her with a smile plastered on his face. The moonlight made his face look more pale than usual and his disheveled hair and long eye lashes were casting shadow on the pretty face. The night had this power to make people more attractive or that was what Adira thought. His dark colored eyes were illuminating a new kind of light. He also loved to gaze the stars though never would he accept that because watching the freckles of sky was generally associated with girls and he didn't have the intention to shame himself by associating with star gazing.

"Another sleepless night?" He sat close to her with his hands resting on his thighs. Adira flashed a smile, thought all her nights were sleepless as it was either sighing and tossing on bed or terrace. Danny nodded in approval but he was very well aware that she used to cut and kept her blades in the second drawer of her wooden study table. Many a times he thought of throwing them away but he knew that wouldn't stop her causing more harm. He never brought that topic and always pretended that he never discovered. He would never show that he cared but in reality, he always wanted to protect her from the sadness that always enveloped her. She also knew about his family issues but remained mum. That was how there friendship was, it was strange but the at the same time beautiful which none of them ever wanted to give up on.

"The life sucks so much when you don't have a fatherly image and your mum doesn't acknowledge your presence." The English accent never left Adira, after all she had lived fourteen years there. She never considered India her home, England was and would be. "Trust me, I know," he replied. Of course he would. He also had a family of four or at least what he still called. His dad was nice and so was his mother, it was just his brother who hated him with all his guts because Danny was once dating his brother's ex. Ever since that finding they started living as ghost brothers, never talked to each other and his brother never missed an opportunity to let him down in the school when he was or at home in front of their parents.

There was a long silence which followed. She pulled out the packet of cigarette that always occupied the back of her denim pants and the lighter from her leather jacket which was too oversize for her thin frame, because it belonged to her father. She managed to bring the jacket after all that was the only thing which she used to treasure more than those bloody sharpener blades. She used to wear the jacket to feel home at home.

She clutched the cigarette between her lips, brought the lighter near to it to give that cancer causing element all the powers and energy which she lacked. The smoke of the stick never felt alien to her lungs. Her smoking habits always used to scare him though he couldn't do anything. He feared that one day because of all her suicidal activities he might loose her and that would be his biggest nightmare. He wanted to slap her hand which held the cigarette and wanted to scold her but never he did and like always ended up admiring the beauty even when she was doing stupid thing like smoking.

Being the best friend he couldn't stop her humanly habits, the reality smirked.

Taking a long drag she saw at the enormous sky and said, "Danny, have you ever wondered how many of these stars are the Suns for different planets. It may also be possible that some of the beautiful stars lay dead now? And some stars' light will never reach to us like the positive vibe to my blue personality." He didn't say anything but was trying to make sense of her vague and evaporating thoughts. He thought that her thoughts was the side effect of either nicotine or the night.

The duo remained silent unaware of the fact that above the stars chatted ,"Which eye pair is your favorite?"

The other star smiled and pointed to Adira. "There, her eyes as they have million of galaxies hidden from us as well as the mankind!"

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